Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Apo, why have you got that Richard Dawkins stuff permanently on your posts?

Don't you think its offensive to a great many on here considering its mainly attracting views from a catholic county, I know my Filipina wife and I do.

You've even put the thumbs up 3 times.

Apo, you are the wind up merchant, not our valued member Ded
The UK is no longer very interested in christian religion and this is borne out in the dwindling attendances.
Filipinas who come to live here will see this when they arrive.
Are you scared of the truth?
Ask your priest or vicar.

Why do you persist in "Amen's" for example?

As Keith says, if you don't like what I have to type, don't read it or comment on what I have put.
It's simple.