Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
I for one would be interested if someone could explain why the Kim family in North Korea and President Mugabe in Zimbabwe need have no worries about what is going on in Libya - is it because only Libya has oil ?
I don't think this is just about oil, Gaddafi has been sponsoring terrorism against the west for 40 years, and committed terrorist attacks on British soil. Zimbabwe and North Korea are unlikely to commit terrorism in the west. However, the greatest supporters of terrorism against the west are Iran and Syria. GWB was keen to act against both, but I don't think Obama is going to act against them, he has been very keen to distance himself from the approach taken by the previous US administration and is continually stating that this is an International coalition. However, the majority of the bombing has been by US cruise missiles.
There is very little support for Gaddafi, even in Arab/Muslim countries I don't think there will be the same backlash as there has been against conflicts in the Muslim world.
The thing that has always annoyed me is that the fundamentalists forget that when NATO bombed Serbia, it was bombing a Christian Orthodox country, and protecting muslims from attrocities