Indeed your right Terpe it wasnt till the OP made his 3rd post (post number 5) and used the word "pest control" which is of course refering to high explosive death of people that may or may not be guilty of some crime that I even bothered to join in.
Very difficult to debate the issues with such words being used regularly rather than debate over the morality of such behaviour.
Indeed by post three the OP was already doing what a few of you complain of
"It won't be long before the handwringing Chuckle Brothers are on here bleating about "not in my name" and civilian casualties. They'll conveniently forget Lockerbie and that it was Bottler Browns Liebour who released the mass murderer Megrahi and sent him back to Libya. With any luck he'll be in the crosshairs right now"
My personal view is that Killing "civilians" is the very thing we all dont want to happen so are we not best advised not to glory in events that involve this?
I further note the Arab league is now less enthusiastic that earlier supposed
I would be interested in the views of the members who posted above on these issues which the OP regularly brings to our attention