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Thread: looking for summer job

  1. #1
    Respected Member ana07cutiepie's Avatar
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    Smile looking for summer job

    I need a job and I got reasons why

    1st - so that I can earn money from my own hard work
    2nd- so that i wont be bored at home doing nothing
    3rd- i wanna prove something to my bf that i can earn money on my own ( i just dont like it when he starts to count on me of what he did and what he payed) buy anyways thats life

    i just really need a job

    thanks everyone

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I take it you are still in the Philippines?
    If it's difficult for you to get a job, then maybe you could try selling Fuller Life or Sara Lee (I think?) type products on a commision type basis? My wife used to sell quite a lot & still does the odd order, for friends, neighbours etc. I know there is a lot doing it though?

    Perhaps you could start a small business, cooking, barbecueing etc...again lots doing it, but if you can find your niche, maybe you can make some money?

    I've often thought facepainting, would be a good little business, at kids parties, or say when they came out of church on a sunday...The balloon sellers etc. always seem to be outside, waiting for the kids. I tried to get my wife to have a go at facepainting, she's a brilliant artist...I might encourage her to do it in the UK, as good ones can earn quite well.

    Just a couple of ideas for you.

  3. #3
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    Thumbs up

    if u live in the philippines then try to learn eyebrow threading, which is undertaken
    with only white cotton thread that all you need, u then then trim eyebrows with this
    method it takes practise and preferable to learn from an indian or pakistani girl and
    u make excellent money per hour working for yourself in england i pay 3pounds for
    this and it takes the girl 3minutes, but all nationalities in england have this done
    and the asian girls make a fortune on vanity

  4. #4
    Respected Member Les_lady888's Avatar
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    Face painting and eyebrow threading seem good ideas for sideline jobs. Direct selling is good also if you will do it full time and you have extra cash to sustain your goods. I have a full time job but I'm also doing sideline jobs such as selling RTWs to offices after work or during my days off. But I have to admit I can't do my sideline jobs regularly coz of time constraint and all the travelling I need to do everyday is such a pain for me.

  5. #5
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    I think people carrying out this eyebrow threading in the UK are treading on thin ice and I'm surprised that the Councils haven't clamped down on it already as I would expect we will soon be seeing liability claims against untrained/unlicensed practitioners alleging dirty needles, scarring, disfigurement etc etc

  6. #6
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    Objections would probably be treated as racist...therefore regulations ignored, as in forced marriages, wife-beating by muslims etc.

  7. #7
    Member driftersthought's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ana07cutiepie View Post
    I need a job and I got reasons why

    1st - so that I can earn money from my own hard work
    2nd- so that i wont be bored at home doing nothing
    3rd- i wanna prove something to my bf that i can earn money on my own ( i just dont like it when he starts to count on me of what he did and what he payed) buy anyways thats life

    i just really need a job

    thanks everyone
    where do u live? im hiring for metro manila and some provincial areas (luzon and visayas). will be directly hired by our company (not working for an agency

  8. #8
    Respected Member ana07cutiepie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by driftersthought View Post
    where do u live? im hiring for metro manila and some provincial areas (luzon and visayas). will be directly hired by our company (not working for an agency
    Hi there, I live in Cebu City. By the way may I know what kind of job is available on your country?

    Many thanks,

  9. #9
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Hi Ana,

    There are so many jobs you can do in Cebu. You live in Cebu City and there is plenty of opportunity for you. When I was at your age, I went to USC and have worked at Pizza Hut, was looking for people to apply for credit cards, avon, sara lee and even went to join Forever Living.

    With so many call centers in Cebu, Qualfon itself accepts part time and so many call centers there near where you live. I think its on T. Padilla St which is only a walking distance from you.

    So a part time job should not be a problem. Chowking, Jolibee, KFC, being barista at starbucks or Bo's. I remember some of friends from uni, though they are already (DOST) scholars who get extra 3,000 allowance from gov't and are kids of middle class families were working for extra so no need to ask for extra allowance from parents whenever we went out for adventures and escapades.

    Empower yourself Ana. You can do it, you can even finance your own studies without the help from Gerry if you really want to. More power to you.
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  10. #10
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    There used to be a situations vacant board outside MEPZ 1,havent past that way in a while so dont know if its still there

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  11. #11
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    There used to be a situations vacant board outside MEPZ 1,havent past that way in a while so dont know if its still there
    MEPZ doesn't pay much and will ask the worker for long work hours which is a bummer. There's plenty there around Cebu City that pays 35php/hour to 50/hour. Its better than just sitting in the house waiting for the time to pass by and do nothing.

    Another is be creative and do research about article writing which pay $3.50/article for 350-500 words
    There's really plenty of good paying home based job back home.
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  12. #12
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    sorry no help on the job ideas,

    but yum yum to chowking my favourite

    good luck with getting a job

  13. #13
    Respected Member sweetnote143's Avatar
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    there are many things you can do to can try article writing, you can do that on you spare time. though at the beginning you might think you're not earning that much but once clients are pleased with your job they'll recommend you to other clients....there are many sites looking for article writers. Goodluck to you, ana
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  14. #14
    Respected Member ana07cutiepie's Avatar
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    wow!! thank you soo much for all your help.. I really appreciate it guys! You've helped me a lot..

    May God Bless you All!!! xxx

  15. #15
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    Errr i don't think you know what eye brow threading is. ?It certainly does not use needles! it uses treading as the name suggests. It is safer then using a metal eyebrow plucker!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by monatawad View Post
    Errr i don't think you know what eye brow threading is. ?It certainly does not use needles! it uses treading as the name suggests. It is safer then using a metal eyebrow plucker!
    Treading on your eyebrows doesn't sound very safe to me.

    The plucking sounds more pleasant.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by monatawad View Post
    Errr i don't think you know what eye brow threading is. ?It certainly does not use needles! it uses treading as the name suggests. It is safer then using a metal eyebrow plucker!

    Whatever it is it needs to be subjected to healh and safety scrutiny - how clean and/ or sterile are these threads ? - could have come out of the toilet pan

  18. #18
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    i am used of plucking my eyebrows then threading while I was in the UK, got no time for plucking so I have this threading to a shop that I am happy with & it was alright.
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  19. #19
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    I like women with big hairy eyebrows.

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