First of all John think why does your woman need to be from Phill? I never intended my Wife to be phill to be honest marriage was the last thing on my mind the night (after beatingSpurs beating Liverpool 2-1 i think it was) to anyone let alone to a woman from a far off land.

But if your mind is made up learn the culture and learn to spot the signs a lady is the type for marriage of course you can never say two people will gel but...

I would also work out what is needed with regards the visa and as much about the genral rules as you can.
Be prepared to work as a detective many marriages seem to have a problem as the pinay wife didn't want to mention all the possible people dependent on her!
Even my wife was scared to mention she had a Bro and a sis who were to a degree dependent on her. I have basically come their father having to make decisions on there future and sponsor them. Luckily im able to help and they are good kids who realise what they have to do and work hard.

Think also about how you will communicate, my wife was well educated in phill and then studied hard before and just after arriving to speak English now 5-6 years on phills and brits all think she is a brit born phill kid. Some people will not be so forunate and the language difficulties will be hard.

Are you prepared to learn and listen tagalog? Its not easy to learn a 2nd language from scratch when older and also I know some brits cant deal with being in a room where tagalog is being spoken. Me it doesn't bother me and im amazed how much often I understand in a room full of spoken tagalog.

Also are you prepared to spend time shopping for bablikyan boxes and finding the right dried fish or some sauce? Can you deal with tagalog foods and possible weird to brits food combos?

Can you be ready to find your not always the person she worries about the most at a certain moment in time? As my wife says she loves me to bits but she knows i can look after myself but her little bro and sis plus certain other family members can't. Can be tough sometimes but it shows what a loving lady she is but not all would see it that way

Lots of challanges but one thing i have learned is my wife is special