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Thread: and you think filling your car with fuel is expensive

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    According to Camron, we won't be accepting any war refugees from north africa. Much to the complaining and whining from the rest of Europe. Italy especially.......shame

    I expect they will find a way in, vermin usually do.
    Bit harsh calling people "vermin" who are desperate and trying to escape unimaginable conditions in their home countries. Call the politicians "vermin" who made life in the UK so accessible and easy, but those trying to escape to a better life If your family was in danger I'm sure you do the same.

    It's rags like the Daily Mail that encourage this kind of attitude, deflecting the anger away from those who made it so.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    There'll be reasons above our peasant heads no doubt ( OIL ? Prestige ? Influence ? Arms sales ?).

    It's still a slap in the face for the unemployed and those waiting for operations etc.

    Are we going to waste even more money by interfering in every other upcoming revolt in the other Arab countries, and accept the hoards of refugees ?
    It certainly aint a "humanitarian" effort as they'd have us believe. I think the majority bought into the "blame the last labour govt for everything" mindset that they'll turn a blind eye to anything this lot are doing.

    Different mob, same old rackets

  3. #33
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    Personally I don't read any newspapers(comics), but I AM quite sure that a good proportion of these immigrants and so-called Asylum Seekers are merely parasites who haven't the guts or the inclination to make changes in their own countries.

    Yes, I care about my family and my way of life (if we're comparing selfishness with selfishness), and that's why I see this influx of total 'unknowns' to be a threat to OUR country in so many ways.

    Charity begins at home, and we've now done enough of helping out every other person in the world with a hard-luck story.

    Let them go home and sort their own mess out.

  4. #34
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    True, but it's only natural to want to strive for a better standard of living and get there the quickest and easiest way possible. The average Joe has no chance in a third world country of making a difference to the overall politics, economy, corruption etc.

    It's a complex situation immigration, made even worse by how easy it's been made for them by the powers that be. I find it so baffling that we still give billions in aid to countries, but think nothing of axing jobs in the UK and making cuts all over the place. Yet most just accept it as, "it has to be done after the mess labour left us in"

    Totally agree, charity begins at home especially when there's so much that needs fixing.

  5. #35
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    I suppose some on here might be a little more sensitive about the subject, given the trials and tribulations WE'VE had to go through in order to get our loved ones here the LEGAL way.

  6. #36
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    For sure, another absurdity. When you think how easy Albanian gangsters and the like just walk in, it must rile the hell out of those who just want to be together and will always abide by the law of the land.

  7. #37
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    I have noted that it is not just our governnment who heavily tax fuel, just paid 5.25 Zlotys (£1.21) per litre still a 15p cheaper but not that much. A few years back on beer runs to France when I lived near Portsmouth I would go over nearly empty and fill up my diesel Audi at the hypermarket for around 50p a litre cheaper. By the way anyone got any names for a curreny funnier than the noble Zloty
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