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Thread: Cambodia sets age limit for foreigners marrying its women

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    Cambodia sets age limit for foreigners marrying its women

    Cambodia sets maximum age of 50 for foreign men wanting to marry Cambodian women.

  2. #2
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    Coming to a country near you soon

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I can't see that happening in the Phils Graham, the economy is far too dependent on westerners sending their extended Filipino family money

  5. #5
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    just go across the border and get married, then go back into Cambodia is the answer

  6. #6
    Member Juana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    the economy is far too dependent on westerners sending their extended Filipino family money
    I disagree. The number of OFWs outweigh this. And actually how many westerners send money to their partners' extended family on a regular basis?

    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year.
    My mom says I'm pretty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    ........I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year.
    Interesting view.
    Bit like the UK really

    Why only Philippines? Or is your view meant for all countries not considered 'English Speaking'

    Not sure what you envisage with marriage tax.
    Oh unless it's a marriage allowance that goes up every year.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    I disagree. The number of OFWs outweigh this. And actually how many westerners send money to their partners' extended family on a regular basis?

    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year.
    and i would like to see the UK gov stop foreigners from buying property and land

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and i would like to see the UK gov stop foreigners from buying property and land
    Yep. Forgot that important one

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Yep. Forgot that important one
    i remember reading about someone who wanted to visit the UK for the first time, and would it help thier chances if they mentioned they owned property in the UK

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year

    Not sure about the need for a foreign spouse to learn a mickey mouse language like Tagalog when most couples will be returning to the UK and speaking a proper language probably for the rest of their marriage..
    The tax idea is fine just as long as I can claim expenses!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    I disagree. The number of OFWs outweigh this. And actually how many westerners send money to their partners' extended family on a regular basis?

    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year.
    My Mahal speaks Bisaya not tagalog, i dont see why i should learn a language she doesnt use!

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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    I disagree. The number of OFWs outweigh this. And actually how many westerners send money to their partners' extended family on a regular basis?

    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines and also, may be impose a marriage tax which goes up every year.
    Ano bayan !

    The wife IS the marriage tax !

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post
    actually how many westerners send money to their partners' extended family on a regular basis?
    Thankfully, I don't need to ... and - being a State Pensioner - couldn't afford to either!!

  15. #15
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmr_1019 View Post

    I'd like to see Philippines setting a requirement for Tagalog proficiency on any foreign partners wishing to marry people from the Philippines
    ... as Fred points out ... by far the majority of Filipinas who marry westerners end up emigrating to English-speaking countries.

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and i would like to see the UK gov stop foreigners from buying property and land
    Me too ... and by foreigners, I mean ANYONE who isn't British - the rich Americans included!

  17. #17
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    I've always been fascinated by the whole idea of western older male in his 50's+ marrying a young pretty woman from the 3rd world.

    From my anecdotal experience. Which was being in a relationship with a young Ethiopian woman (in her early 20's, just a few years younger than me) who was/is (just about) married to a British guy in his 50's. She didn't really love her husband, and was just married for the passport. However, perhaps he didn't really love her too, as he worked away in Nigeria for 6 months at a time. He had also had a vasectomy, so this wasn't about starting a second family.

    Just wondering the motivation from both sides (Older westerner, and young pretty foreigner).

  18. #18
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    It's pretty straightforward really.

    Picture yourself as the above-mentioned guy in his 50s (ghastly thought for you I know ).

    He wants a young attractive female to have a 'fun' relationship with. He's not a celebrity or a multi-millionaire.

    He weighs up the odds, first looking around him in the UK/other Western chance.

    However, there is always the Philippines where there are lots of pretty young ladies willing to consider an older guy as a potential partner, without throwing up.
    Additionally, the prospect of being transported to a rich country where she can enjoy a high standard of living and help to support her family back home makes such a relationship a sensible option for her.

    Now that is our starting point, after which (believe it or not) love and affection come into play....or should do, as with any relationship.

    So you see, everyone is happy...apart from the jealous, envious, usually fat , unkempt, foul-mouthed bitter older and younger women that I encounter every day of the week who can't get their heads round why people like me are attracted to young Filipinas, and (some) of them to me.

  19. #19
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    you are so right about so many Western women who behave in a disgusting way, disrespect their bodies and just do not make an effort to in any way be attractive to the older gentleman. Even young women here do not make an effort. I am not looking forward to another summer of "ladies" in short teeshirts displaying overhanging bellies and knicker tops, over made up, fag in mouth and drinking a pint... Yuk.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  20. #20
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    I think it's a fair deal. Everyone gets what they want. It's not quite Romeo & Juliet, but nothing in the real world is.

    Perhaps from an economic point of view, the philippines see it as a kind of brain drain, but one of their young pretty (english speaking) women. Which really depends on how much money they would be sending back home to their family.

    Perhaps when I'm your age, I'd do likewise. I'm certainly not going to judge you, being 30 years your junior.

    I did wonder whether my Ethiopian girlfriend at the time's husband knew or suspected what was going on when he was working away for 6 months at a time. Perhaps he wasn't bothered.

    I would almost say it's like a long-term escort arrangement. But then most normal marriages one member provides something in exchange for the other. e.g. one is the breadwinner, the other provides the beauty/sex/children/care. So I think it's unfair for people to be so judgemental of it.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by FertileOne View Post
    I've always been fascinated by the whole idea of western older male in his 50's+ marrying a young pretty woman from the 3rd world.

    From my anecdotal experience. Which was being in a relationship with a young Ethiopian woman (in her early 20's, just a few years younger than me) who was/is (just about) married to a British guy in his 50's. She didn't really love her husband, and was just married for the passport. However, perhaps he didn't really love her too, as he worked away in Nigeria for 6 months at a time. He had also had a vasectomy, so this wasn't about starting a second family.

    Just wondering the motivation from both sides (Older westerner, and young pretty foreigner).
    That's quite a fascination you have.

    I have a similar fascination, but mine is on the other side of the coin. I am fascinated by the whole idea of young western males who travel half-way round the world with the sole intention to deceive the Filipina.

    Apart from your post, what on earth could have stirred up my thoughts on this?

    Well, simply because I have seen them, heard stories about them and also from my own anecdotal experiences.
    I should also add that I have seen the misery and despair they often callously leave behind.
    Worst of all is the fact that they don't even have the respect nor the good sense to 'put something on the end of it' so to speak. The innocent children born of such behaviour do not deserve that.

    Yes, there are some really screwed up young western males hunting around in the Phils. It's amazing what these young men will act like when they are virtually given free reign, just like kids in a candy shop a lot of the time.

    I would imagine there must be deep psychological causes for the awful and disturbing behaviour they indescriminately mete out. But to be honest I just don't know for sure. It's obviously predetermined since such a long haul destinations are not cheap and require some planning.

    Mind you, and to be fair, there are plenty of very good young western husbands too.

    No offence.
    Just my 2 pence worth
    Last edited by Terpe; 24th March 2011 at 14:09. Reason: Tidy up

  22. #22
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    Interesting and insightful, Terpe.

    I guess, with any 'system' there are those that are looking to exploit it, usually they're the ones who the system was not intended for. (For instance young guys visiting brothels, only with the intent to rob. Since they know there is cash).

    I would like to visit the philippines, there are in fact lots of places I'd love to visit in Asia. If I found someone I liked romantically, then I wouldn't have it in me to cause such deception.

    Yes, nothing wrong with people going on vacation to meet members of the opposite sex, happens all the time whether it from a (financial/passport) angle, or just people on holiday having fun. Go to Jamaica, and you'll see plenty of middle aged white women with local men to keep them company...

    But I definitely disagree with misleading someone over your intentions, especially if it results in unwanted children. I'm actually a registered Sperm Donor. The reason why I decided to donate sperm, was because I wanted to have children with different women. But I couldn't bring myself to just jump into casual relationships with women, deceive them into getting pregnant, and leave.

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