Hi Folks, Looks like my previous tread got a bit out of hand so perhaps we can get back to the main topic, that is to help others like myself who are about to imbark on a totally new experience. When I first started the tread back in January I had a lot of unanswered questions about marrying a Filipina woman and eventually living with her in the Phils.

Thanks to the members here my questions were answered and I am very grateful for all the help I have received, thank you everyone. In 3 weeks time I will going to the Phils to meet my online girl friend of many months for the first time.

Over the past months I have got to know her and her family and I am looking forward to becoming part of her family in the future. I am going there with my eye's fully open and I think I know what to expect and what not to expect. The one thing that I do know is that my girl friend is not after my money because I have'nt any and she is quite aware of that, there are more things in life that bring happiness and hopefully we will find them together.

I will keep you all informed of the outcome on my return at the end of May. Once agin, thank you for all the help I have recieved from this site. ( For those who missed the previous thread, you can catch up by going to "Marrying and living in the Phils". Posts 1 - 30 are the revelent one's, after that it goes down hill.)
