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Thread: latest 3 months bank statement and payslips

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  1. #1
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    latest 3 months bank statement and payslips

    hi everyone

    have anyone tried to submit only the latest 3 months of bank statements and 3 months of payslip of the sponsor? ( no overdrawn is his bank statement)

    Is the ECO will consider this one?

    hope to hear from you..thank u so much//

  2. #2
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    They ask for 6mnths statements & pay slips ..... so why create problems for yourself by just submitting 3 mnths' worth ????????

    By submitting just 3 months history, it will look as if you're hiding something.... .which will likely result in a greater scrutiny of your visa application.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    They ask for 6mnths statements & pay slips ..... so why create problems for yourself by just submitting 3 mnths' worth ????????.
    [QUOTE=Bluebirdjones;281890]They ask for 6mnths statements & pay slips ..... so why create problems for yourself by just submitting 3 mnths' worth ????????

    Hi , This is the reason why we will submit only 3 months of payslip and bank statement of my husband..I'm 4 months pregnant now.Its hard for both of us being apart specially that we will have our baby soon..So we will try to apply before the baby will give birth here i n Philippines.. My husband got his new full time job just this month.and we are planning to apply in May.At that time, he will only have his 3 months payslip and bank statement cause im already 6 months pregnant by that time we are running out of time already if we will wait for his 6 months payslip and bank statement..

    We are just trying our luck..but im not pretty sure if the ECO will consider the reason of being pregnant why we will only submit 3 months bank statement and payslip..

    hope you can give me advice ..thank u..

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Bit of a big gamble due to the costs involved

    They ask for 6 months, and if you don't supply 6, they can simply refuse on that basis. However, if you supply a detailed cover letter (both of you) then you at least make the ECO aware of the situation.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as bluebirdjones has said, you should supply what your asked, and the embassy will make a judgment on the evidence you supply, so not supplying what your asked your risk of refusal could increase..

    but some people have managed to get a visa sending less, but salary slips for at least the previous 3 months, preferably the previous 6 months; AND Bank statements for at least the previous 3 months you 'should' be ok' depending on your other evidence but as i said your risk of refusal could increase

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    as bluebirdjones has said, you should supply what your asked, and the embassy will make a judgment on the evidence you supply,
    thank u for the message..I am just hoping that the ECO will consider it..we just want us to be one as a family.

    .I just would like to ask if what evidence i will be going to show?evidence of medical certification from my Doctor that im really pregnant and stating how many months that im already pregnant ?and the evidence of my husband employment and contract ?I hope you could give me idea of what evidence im going to submit..

    hope you could help me and give advice..thank you

  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I'd suggest more than 6mnths bank statements .... preferably those showing the time when he was employed, and was having a salary paid into his account.

    I'd also suggest including the pay slips from this previous job, along with the most recent.

    I'd then include a covering letter explaining how....
    "I used to work for XYZ firm (from x/2005 - y/2010), and was paid £xxxx per month (as evidenced by included payslips), but I was made redundant, and have recently started a new job at ABC firm, which is paying me £xxxy per month. Please find attached my recent payslips & terms of employment/contract".

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  8. #8
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    thank u bluebirds..i will just tell my husband about is it ok if his previous jobs was a year ago already?

    do i still need to show my medical certificate from my Doctor that Im really pregnant?

    hope to hear from you..thanks again

  9. #9
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I think any evidence of gainfull employment, and the ability to support both himself & you will be advantageous.
    Possibly the (employment) covering letter should include all his job history.

    Pregnant.... firstly my congratulations.

    The pregnancy in itself is not going to sway the decision of the Embassy, but if your case is strong, it might push them to award the visa quicker.

    I'd suggest that in the covering letter from your husband, apart from mentioning how you meet, when was the marriage etc etc , he also mentions that you are pregnant, you're both missing each other, and he wants to be there at the birth etc etc .... and attach the doctor's certificate to that covering letter. It can't do any harm.

    Good luck ..... and I expect a drink at Jack's Ridge next time I'm in Davao !
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    I think any evidence of gainfull employment, and the ability to support both himself & you will be advantageous.

    thank you for giving an idea bluebirds...its my pleasure to treat u drink in Jack Ridge when u come here.and if my visa will be

    anyway, we are quite worried if we are going to mention that im pregnant in the letter because my husband got only 100 pounds per week disposable income which the ECO might think that his disposable income cant support already if the baby will be born.
    do u think my pregnancy will put against us because my husband got only minimum wage payslip?

    i will be glad to hear your response..thank u so much

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Simply put, you have to prove beyond doubt that he can support you, regardless of how it is proved.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    thank u for the response in my thread.can i ask if it happen that in one of my husband's bank statement reflected that he is claiming benefit.?.Because one of his bank statement start from 21st of February to March 21, 2011...he already stop claiming benefit when he got his job in the first week of march..but it happen that the benefit he claimed from february until he got his job this first week of march reflected in his bank this ok if will be going to submit this kind of bank statement of him? theres no overdrawn in his bank statement..

    hope to hear from you..thank you

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    thank u for the response in my thread.can i ask if it happen that in one of my husband's bank statement reflected that he is claiming benefit.?.Because one of his bank statement start from 21st of February to March 21, 2011...he already stop claiming benefit when he got his job in the first week of march..but it happen that the benefit he claimed from february until he got his job this first week of march reflected in his bank this ok if will be going to submit this kind of bank statement of him? theres no overdrawn in his bank statement..

    hope to hear from you..thank you
    No problem with that.

  14. #14
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    thank you terpe..another question, i would like to inquire if it happen that my husband have a one son from his previous relationship but they are not married..will i put it in my visa application that he really have a son?at the moment he is not supporting his son financially..will this be against with regards of my spouse visa application provided that he is not supporting his son?..

    hope to hear from you..,thanks

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    thank you terpe..another question, i would like to inquire if it happen that my husband have a one son from his previous relationship but they are not married..will i put it in my visa application that he really have a son?at the moment he is not supporting his son financially..will this be against with regards of my spouse visa application provided that he is not supporting his son?..

    hope to hear from you..,thanks
    I have not looked at the application form recently, but does the form actually ask anything about that? I know the form will ask about your (the applicant's) children and if they will be travelling with you.
    But as I recall the application form does not ask anything about your husbands previous
    May I ask the age of your husbands child?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I have not looked at the application form recently, but does the form actually ask anything about that? I know the form will ask about your (the applicant's) children and if they will be travelling with you.
    But as I recall the application form does not ask anything about your husbands previous
    May I ask the age of your husbands child?
    my husband have a 1 year old and 5 months baby son from his previous ex gf. but at the moment he is not supporting his son..the application form ask about husband's son from previous relationship and if he is supporting it or not..

    dont know if if we are going to tell it or not..if we are not going to tell it, will this be against my visa application?

    hope to hear from u..thanlks ..

  17. #17
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    my husband have a 1 year old and 5 months baby son from his previous ex gf. but at the moment he is not supporting his son..the application form ask about husband's son from previous relationship and if he is supporting it or not..
    Honesty is the best policy, just answer YES he has a son and he is not supporting him.
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  18. #18
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    my husband have a 1 year old and 5 months baby son from his previous ex gf. but at the moment he is not supporting his son..the application form ask about husband's son from previous relationship and if he is supporting it or not..
    Honesty is the best policy, just answer YES, he has a son and he is not supporting him.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  19. #19
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi terpe if i memory serves me correctly the form does ask about the sponsor children ie age sex dob & also if the sponsor is supporting the children financially

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    Hi terpe if i memory serves me correctly the form does ask about the sponsor children ie age sex dob & also if the sponsor is supporting the children financially
    Whoops! Thanks for that timely correction stevie,
    better take a good look next time before responding

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