Hi Peeps!
Well it’s been a while since I’ve been in here. Indeed I never thought to be back here again to be honest, but I remembered everyone who was so helpful to me last time, even if the plan DID go completely pear-shaped. To them I say another “thank you”, and I bring you further news. The quest for love concerning the Philippines was not as closed as I thought. I persevered, kept in good spirits and with an open mind I have found a new Filipina love. She is 35 years old, very cute, has a delightful 7 year old son and lives in Mabuhay City, where she runs her own internet shop – a handy side effect facilitating our constant contact! We met online in August 2010 and cultivated a very real and very deep relationship which began with a very understanding bond of friendship and trust. With the notable exception of a holiday weekend which I had in October last year, we have had contact virtually every day (which frankly makes a mockery of the last “relationship”). I believe without a shadow of doubt that what we have is completely genuine. Though this may be quite a mundane thing for many members here, it still entertains us both that we often finish each other’s sentences and read one another’s minds. The only glitch we do have in this blissful romance is that she is still married - but her ex (as she very solidly refers to him) hasn’t been seen for at least two years and seems thoroughly out of the picture since he’s shown no interest in their son, nor has he contributed to his upbringing. Having been effectively abandoned I believe she will be seeking an annulment with or without his presence in the fullness of time. I’m visiting this coming April (yes, April again!!) to spend two weeks of wonderful bonding and emotional exploration. For those who recall the last ‘incident’ in April 2010, all I can say is that this relationship has highlighted what a ridiculous exercise the previous encounter really was - though it has to be said it’s only really been possible to know this with hindsight and the actual experience itself. I’m sure many have been her before under far worse conditions than myself, but looking back I don’t begrudge a second of it, however nightmarish it was at the time!
I have to admit though that I still need some help (hehehe). I’m basically looking in advance for any and all advice regarding possibilities for uniting us here in the UK, should things pan out in the flesh as we fully expect come April. Now before anyone mentions it or the moderator gets giddy, I realise there are vast volumes of knowledge here already on the matter but I would appreciate a second opinion on something quite specific – perhaps if you have had direct experience you might be the ideal person to help me (also I’m sure you’ll appreciate that this same posted information may indeed be out of date). Reading a lot of the advice here on the forum there seems to be a lot of people who got married before attempting to be together here in the UK. I was looking to the Fiancee visa (subject to her annulment) as a likely route, but looking at the UK Border Agency site I have noticed that there is a section under “partners and Families” which appears to state that we could be united as “unmarried/same-sex partners”.
and the subsequent page..
One thing in this does perplex me.. I admit I may be missing something obvious but it says that you need to be able to show that (quote) “you have both been living together as if you were married or in a civil partnership for at least two years”. The obvious flaw to this logic is how can we possibly have been doing this if I am required, by another part of this legislation, to be the “currently living and settled in the UK” half of the partnership? Have I really missed an important point here?There may be more questions as I explore other avenues.. hehehe.
As with my case last April, any help here is appreciated, and for those who helped me before.. you will know I really mean this!