Gee, I didn't want to clutter up this section of the Forum by starting a new thread about something that MUST have been covered before.
So I've spent AGES trawling through past pages, only then to find that all the old threads are now CLOSED anyway !

After my Fiancee's Marriage Visa Application was Refused last year, we are now trying again.

Last year we applied for a MARRIAGE VISA because we could find NOTHING on either the UKBA Website, or the VFS Global Website, about the FIANCEE VISA ...... we even made an email enquiry asking for the Price and an Application Form, but were told that we needed to complete a VAF1F, (MARRIAGE VISA) Application.


Since then I've been told by several Visa "Agencies", and have read on this Forum, that DESPITE all the LIES from the UKBA, the FIANCEE VISA IS STILL ALIVE & KICKING !

We have actually revised our plans and have decided we will marry in Phil' instead of the UK, so this time Stacy only needs to apply for a Tourist Visa.

For PERSONAL INTEREST ONLY, while searching for an Application Form, Guidance Notes, an Instructions for the Tourist Visa, I looked for this ELUSIVE "Fiancee Visa".

ONCE AGAIN I can find NOTHING on either the VFS Global, or UKBA Websites, about Fiancee Visas !!!

Even using their Search Facilities for "What Kind of Visa do I need ?" FAILS to find it, and it DOESN'T APPEAR on the UKBA's list of Visa Charges !

So would somebody please send me a link that will take me to this elusive beast ?

On a different VISA subject .....
Has anyone in Phil' ever tried to apply for a Tourist Visa MORE than 3 months in Advance ?
Did the UKBA "Play Ball" ?

I'm visiting my Fiancee in June and we are hoping that Stacy can spend Christmas with me in the UK.

Manila is a long way from Dipolog and with only one flight a day it's not possible to get to VFS the same day you fly in, or to fly home the same day after your appointment either, so a MINIMUM of 2 nights Accommodation is also required.

Last time I visited her, Dipolog was having Several Power Interruptions per Day and because of them several Government Offices were not able to provide the Original Documents Stacy need to support her Visa Application.
So I left Dipolog a few days early, with Stacy, and we spent the last days of my holiday in Manila, collecting all the Certificates she needed and then presenting her Visa Application.

We planned to do the same this time, until I noticed on the VFS Website that it says you should make your application UP TO 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE.