Oh dear... I've just finished watching this 'Panorama Special', which I'd been looking forward to all week - ever since a friend had informed me it was being screened tonight.
But what ashambles it turned out to be! The filming on location, was diabolical ... with the camera consistently
ing about like a drunken kangaroo ... to the extent that, if I hadn't closed my eyes - to stop me feeling dizzy - and several times almost dozed off,
I'd surely have "thrown-up"!
And the sound quality - even for folk with normal hearing - was pathetic to say the least!
Despite the cost involved in sending undercover teams on a "wild goose chase" ... up and down the M1 between London and Coventry - as well as to the Spanish island of Majorca - the programme seemed to have solved nothingand amounted to a sheer waste of taxpayers' money!