I made a topic, and wanted to make a way possible for people to contact me, as I'm unable to send or receive private messages.

I read the topic concerning how best to post your email address:


So I understand the problem with spambots crawling the forum, picking up email addresses (and i'm sure they're smart enough to search for the string "*atyahoodotcom" or "athotmaildotcom" etc. and decipher one's email address). So I figured it was fine to post my email address in a picture (I mean it's going to be harder to find spambot software sophisticated to O.C.R my email address in a photo than in plain text). However, the post was still edited:

"Photo removed for own safety - do not use personal email links"

I'm not trying to cause trouble here, but would appreciate it if someone could advise me how best to approach this. I've seen others post email addresses, so figured it was my own responsibility, after all it wasn't even my main email address, so not sure how my own safety was compromised?