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Thread: The CNI.........A few questions....any help guys?

  1. #1
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    The CNI.........A few questions....any help guys?

    Hi guys..first post on here...

    Good to be part of this great forum.

    Can anybody help me..the CNI i am getting in the it just 22 days or is it 22 WORKING days? (ie not including saturdays or sundays)...just to reassure me...

    Also when i land in fili and we go to Manila to the uk embassy...its 10 days before i get the go ahead to marry my lovely wife to be? and do i have to pick the proof up in person? or can i have the go ahead delivered as we will be in Bacolod and we are not planning to go back to Manila till the end of my 4 weeks stay in fili.

    Just want my head reassuring as so much swimming around in there! hehe

  2. #2
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krib69 View Post

    Hi guys..first post on here...

    Good to be part of this great forum.

    Can anybody help me..the CNI i am getting in the it just 22 days or is it 22 WORKING days? (ie not including saturdays or sundays)...just to reassure me...

    Also when i land in fili and we go to Manila to the uk embassy...its 10 days before i get the go ahead to marry my lovely wife to be? and do i have to pick the proof up in person? or can i have the go ahead delivered as we will be in Bacolod and we are not planning to go back to Manila till the end of my 4 weeks stay in fili.

    Just want my head reassuring as so much swimming around in there! hehe
    Hello and welcome here. You can get the CNI in UK after 22 days (which includes none working day). And then after that, you need to have it changed to a philippine version in uk embassy manila before you can apply for marriage. You need to have your fiancees CENOMAR and birth certificate and other documents listed found in the embassy wedsite. You can get your CNI on the following day you have applied. You need to have a least 2 days in manila. Your marriage application will be posted for 10 days, before finally getting married.

  3. #3
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Welcome Krib, I wish you the best of luck for the future
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  4. #4
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    Hi krib69, welcome to the forum

  5. #5
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    a warm welcome to the forum krib

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    Quote Originally Posted by krib69 View Post

    Hi guys..first post on here...

    Good to be part of this great forum.

    Can anybody help me..the CNI i am getting in the it just 22 days or is it 22 WORKING days? (ie not including saturdays or sundays)...just to reassure me...

    Also when i land in fili and we go to Manila to the uk embassy...its 10 days before i get the go ahead to marry my lovely wife to be? and do i have to pick the proof up in person? or can i have the go ahead delivered as we will be in Bacolod and we are not planning to go back to Manila till the end of my 4 weeks stay in fili.

    Just want my head reassuring as so much swimming around in there! hehe
    Your head will be swimming a lot more inside when you're married to your lovely Filipina
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  7. #7
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    thanks very much guys...

    so when i get to embassy in manila i swap for the marriage document there?

    and then in ten days i can get married?

    i dont have to go back to the embassy in ten days time to get any paperwork?


  8. #8
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    Hi my first post as well but I used the forum quite a lot when I went through the process so pay back time yep by law your UK notice must be displayed for 21 calendar days. This turned out to be a Saturday end date for me but they would not issue on the Friday so I had to collect on the following Monday. As aryM mentioned other documents need to be presented at the British Consulate in Manila to exchange for a local CNI which was issued within an hour. This CNI is part of the documents required to be presented at the Local Civil Registrar, ours was in Pasig, where after some form filing in and document check a notice was posted for 10 days (working I think) at the LCR. Both of us had to be present to collect our marriage licence and they wouldn’t budge from this even when I said I was worried things may get misplaced when I returned to marry. They said it would be fine but looking at the enormous piles of papers lying around as they kept all my official documents I didn’t want to take the risk so stayed on in Manila to collect our licence before returning to the UK. When I got the documents back upon checking I had been given the copies but luckily I checked before leaving the LCR Interestingly or more like annoyingly the CNI issued in the Philippines was recently requested by the Entry Clearance Officer following my wives settlement application, the same document we needed to get a licence in the first place then the contract then the NSO certified Contract, so be careful and don’t be tempted to buck the system - if that’s possible. Hope this helps

  9. #9
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Hi krib to let you know when you exchange your cni from the uk to the legal capacity to marry certificate at the british embassy in manila the embassy no longer issue the certificate on the same day you have to return to collect it the next day between 2pm & 3pm

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quite a palavar all told ... but worth it in the end; to the filipinouk forum and good luck, Krib!

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMARTMART View Post
    Hi my first post as well but I used the forum quite a lot when I went through the process so pay back time ................ Hope this helps
    I'm sure it will ... back, Art.

  12. #12
    Respected Member mikey73's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum

  13. #13
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krib69 View Post

    Hi guys..first post on here...

    Good to be part of this great forum.

    Can anybody help me..the CNI i am getting in the it just 22 days or is it 22 WORKING days? (ie not including saturdays or sundays)...just to reassure me...

    Also when i land in fili and we go to Manila to the uk embassy...its 10 days before i get the go ahead to marry my lovely wife to be? and do i have to pick the proof up in person? or can i have the go ahead delivered as we will be in Bacolod and we are not planning to go back to Manila till the end of my 4 weeks stay in fili.

    Just want my head reassuring as so much swimming around in there! hehe
    hello krib welcome here!!!
    If u are not over keen to come to manila to exchange your CNI please read this link ( i think u can exchange it to local CNI version via British Consulate in Cebu...
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  14. #14
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    you will need a cenomaras well from the nso order on line and to complete the phils marriage guidance thingy

    This is from ,my neighbor with his permission an American last April in Toledo Cebu

    "Well the process started on the First of April. We headed to the Consulate in Cebu. After an hour we walked out no worse for the wear. I had my legal capacity in hand. Now off to get the cenomars. We went to the city of our location. They did the proper paperwork and said it would take a 5 business days to get them back. Well two holidays and we had her paperwork. But opps we forgot to submit yours so it will take 3 more days to get mine back.

    So we headed into the 16th and I finally had mine and she had hers. Yes. Seemed like we were home free. So we began our 10 wait for the license to be issued. That began on the 19th the first business day following the 16th since it was late and they could not post it till Monday.

    In the mean time I had to attend a class (Seminar). Where I was instructed on how to make 9000 pesos go farther. I was also instructed on how the Rhythm Method is the best form of birth control. Since condoms and the pill both can lead to cancer. This class was by the department of population control. Also they cost lots of money and we need to conserve our money. Also I was told that a baby should be breast feed till at least 3 years of age. Did you also know that the baby will love the mother less if you do not breast feed them. Neither did I. Again formula is very expensive 1500 pesos a month. Plus it prevents cancer in the mom lord I would not want that. Also you must get the women excited before sex. Wow I learned so much.

    So the 30th is here I went to get the Marriage license. Yes baby!!!!! But wait,,, Opps sir we forgot to order paper to print the license on. We went to Cebu today to get some. Since Monday is a holiday we can issue it on Tuesday the 4th of May. Just lovely as I left the office always keeping a smile and never getting upset.

    Gotta love this process. However I never paid a bribe or paid a fixer I did it the right way. Remember fixers are bad evil people. So never use them."
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  15. #15
    Member burpiesbaby's Avatar
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    My husband and I got married this month and this forum was a big help to us. THANK YOU! My husband applied for his CNI in Bedforshire. When he received his CNI he sent it to me through FedEx and I received it in hmm 2 - 3 days. I then went to the British Embassy in Manila to have it exchanged to the local CNI. Applications are only accepted in the morning. I went back to the embassy the following day to pick up my husband's local CNI. Your fiance needs to bring with her your CNI obtained in the UK, photocopy of your passport, your original birth certificate, her birth certificate in NSO paper, her CENOMAR, and her passport. Releasing of the CNI is done only in the afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30 PM. All documents submitted, except for your CNI obtained in the UK, will be returned. This will save you time and the hassle of going to the embassy after a very long flight. Just make sure that your fiance brings with her a valid ID aside from her passport because she needs to leave it to the guard.

    I hope this helps.

  16. #16
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    By the way, she needs to bring cash for the CNI fee. When I applied last October it was around PhP 4,700 (can't remember the exact amount). It might be a little bit higher now because the embassy rate is now higher (GBP 1 = PhP 72). Was 1 is to 70 when I applied.

    Quote Originally Posted by burpiesbaby View Post
    My husband and I got married this month and this forum was a big help to us. THANK YOU! My husband applied for his CNI in Bedforshire. When he received his CNI he sent it to me through FedEx and I received it in hmm 2 - 3 days. I then went to the British Embassy in Manila to have it exchanged to the local CNI. Applications are only accepted in the morning. I went back to the embassy the following day to pick up my husband's local CNI. Your fiance needs to bring with her your CNI obtained in the UK, photocopy of your passport, your original birth certificate, her birth certificate in NSO paper, her CENOMAR, and her passport. Releasing of the CNI is done only in the afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30 PM. All documents submitted, except for your CNI obtained in the UK, will be returned. This will save you time and the hassle of going to the embassy after a very long flight. Just make sure that your fiance brings with her a valid ID aside from her passport because she needs to leave it to the guard.

    I hope this helps.

  17. #17
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    thanks very much for all your help and useful tips guys...

    i get there before lunch on Friday the 17th Dec...straight to UK hand CNI in...

    You think i can pick up the local CNI on Monday the 20th Dec? i hope so...then everything goes to plan...

    Heres hoping

  18. #18
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krib69 View Post

    ...straight to UK hand CNI in...
    ... phew! No~o bed for~a (K)rib?

  19. #19
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    the nice lady in the Registry office also asked me if i wanted a 3 month CNI or a 6 month one..i said 3 month ,i hope i told her right!

    Also she mentioned if the CNI needed to be "apostilled" ? i must admit she lost me on that one!

  20. #20
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    nice joke Arthur...hehe

  21. #21
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Hi everyone this is my first post here, I am arriving in Manila on the 24 Dec to marry my fiancee but I did not realised
    that the British embassy is closed from 24 Dec snd will not open again until 4 January 2011.
    As most of you are aware I need exchange my CNI for a local CNI and then have to wait 10 days before i can marry which does not give me enough days as I am returning to the UK on 13th January 2011.
    I have emailed my embassy to ask if they will accept a fax of my CNI when it ready on 21 December and my fiancee will pick up the local CNI next day as i see on google that a guy in a similar situation sent a fax of his CNI to a British embassy in some other country and it was accepted.
    I will let you all know when i get a reply within 5 working days but was interested to see there is another solution by FedEx as quoted below but would prefer to fax as it will be alot cheaper
    Quote Originally Posted by burpiesbaby View Post
    My husband and I got married this month and this forum was a big help to us. THANK YOU! My husband applied for his CNI in Bedforshire. When he received his CNI he sent it to me through FedEx and I received it in hmm 2 - 3 days. I then went to the British Embassy in Manila to have it exchanged to the local CNI. Applications are only accepted in the morning. I went back to the embassy the following day to pick up my husband's local CNI. Your fiance needs to bring with her your CNI obtained in the UK, photocopy of your passport, your original birth certificate, her birth certificate in NSO paper, her CENOMAR, and her passport. Releasing of the CNI is done only in the afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30 PM. All documents submitted, except for your CNI obtained in the UK, will be returned. This will save you time and the hassle of going to the embassy after a very long flight. Just make sure that your fiance brings with her a valid ID aside from her passport because she needs to leave it to the guard.

    I hope this helps.

  22. #22
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    does my CNI need to be apostilled

    hi I am new here, can anyone who been married in Philippines clarify does my CNI need to be apostilled ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... phew! No~o bed for~a (K)rib?

  23. #23
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
    hi I am new here, can anyone who been married in Philippines clarify does my CNI need to be apostilled ?

    There is no need to apostille your CNI. After exchanging it with the Philippines version, just submit it right away to the LCR for your marriage registration. No further authentication needed.

  24. #24
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Hi thanks for the reply is there anything else that I will have to pay the embassy apart from the £64 CNI fee?
    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    There is no need to apostille your CNI. After exchanging it with the Philippines version, just submit it right away to the LCR for your marriage registration. No further authentication needed.

  25. #25
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
    Hi thanks for the reply is there anything else that I will have to pay the embassy apart from the £64 CNI fee?
    No, that would be all., I just dont know if the price is the same now. When we got our CNI last Nov. 9 it cost us 4,600 something.

  26. #26
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Thanks alot for

    both of your replies

  27. #27
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Thanks aglain for

    your 3 rep

  28. #28
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
    Thanks alot for

    both of your replies
    You are always welcome my friend...just feel free to ask, there are lots here in the forum who are very willing to help. congratulations in advance!

  29. #29
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Thanks l will certainly

    be asking more questions after we get married

    next month

  30. #30
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
    Thanks l will certainly

    be asking more questions after we get married

    next month

    Congratulations and Best Wishes in advance!

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