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Thread: free wifi

  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    free wifi

    When in phill recently we stopped several times at a Burger king in calamba laguna. Which had free wifi advertised so while we ordered food or people used the Cr. I was able to download my emails on my phone and used my truephone connection to phone the uk for free.

    The sign looked home made, but the connection was fairly fast.

    Have anyone elsed noticed these free Wifi sites as they could save you a few quid.

  2. #2
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    there are wifi spots in manila area. i have noticed them mostly on coffee shops e.g. mocha blends, starbucks.

    its of great use when youre always lugging with you your laptop.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    When in phill recently we stopped several times at a Burger king in calamba laguna. Which had free wifi advertised so while we ordered food or people used the Cr. I was able to download my emails on my phone and used my truephone connection to phone the uk for free.

    The sign looked home made, but the connection was fairly fast.

    Have anyone elsed noticed these free Wifi sites as they could save you a few quid.
    To be honest, I wouldn't want to risk taking my laptop to the Philippines, and anyway, when I'm away on holiday, emails, websites and other non-urgent stuff can wait till I return or until I can reach an internet cafe.

    However, last time I was in Hong Kong, I bought a laptop (later sold on EBay) and as I was test driving it later back at the hotel, I think I picked up about 10 un-secured wireless networks! Even here in the UK, if you feel brave enough, I can guarentee if you drive round your local town, you will come across loads of wifi spots, whether they are proper wifi hotspots like MacDonalds have or someone who has a wireless network in their house but forgot to enable any security, so any Tom, Joe or Keith can log on and surf for free

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I have taken my laptop in the past (it was a mininote so about half the size of a normal laptop) but this time i was actually using my nokia which many of the newer ones (well the e series and some of the n series have wifi bulit in) so basically i could download my emails from various accounts to my phone and read if required or when stuck in yet another mall.
    Sadly i have to keep an eye on my emails due to my work and was handy for calling back home for various reasons. Was also useful for keeping an eye on any filght changes etc and checking in online if you have no access to a pc in phill

    Id be careful logging onto peoples wifi sites or atempting as someone in england two people were arested for doing so!! I think it was about a month back i heard it on the radio.

    I tried some of the coffeshops in ATC and they mainly wanted to charge you but even the charge was quite cheap and about the same as going to a netcafe surrounded by all the kids playing ragnook or whatever it is called
    But i know some of the hotels in manila we have stayed in have wifi areas so you could use your voip feature on your phone to ring home andor call family/friends in phill. For instance if i had my truphone connection on my phone others with truphone or using googletalk could call me or be called for free ula skype.

    The technolgy is fairly new now but people were like why do i need mobiles and pcs a few years back.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you have to be really careful when using wifi on an unscure network, everything you type could be logged, there are even programs out there that use brute force to guess a network name and network key on even secure networks, only way to stop them is by limiting connections using approved mac addresses or watch your login logs.

    come to think of it, what about key logging in internet cafe's ?

    i use to chat to my wife thru icq, and sometimes she would goto an internet cafe, one time, after i chatted to my wife, i saw she was online in icq and sent her a few messages, it wasnt my wife, but the person who i was chatting to try to pretend to be

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