Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
Please do remember that your girlfriend is only 19 and still in her formulative years ....... she is clearly not able to support herself and is therefore reliant on and at the mercy of others. It sounds to me like she wants to use you, if you are happy with that, good luck to you both. Personally, I think that your relationship could be a receipe for disaster and that you should heed the advice of the other guys on here and look for a new uncomplicated girlfriend ....... Why invite trouble when there is no need?
I know you're right, Rosie. I would probably be giving much the same advice having read my own story independently... but it is precisely because I don't think this girl is any sort of hardened user, that I'm willing to see it through. Nothwithstanding the other issues, which I feel are far more likely to ruin this relationship (as you say, age and this other guy), it is enough for me to give it a bash right now. I don't feel I've got that much to lose. It isn't like it is a LDR and I'm sending her money etc. Nor it is the case that I don't know her in the flesh. She hasn't ask me for a penny and neither does she need to. Of course, she is not well off but she has a job and she came to live in Manila independently. I've met some of her family too and they too are all basically ordinary working class folks. Again, I'm probably wrong and it is odds on that this relationship won't work out but I'm still going to give it a try as I will regret it otherwise