There are 2 inconvienient truths as i see it
You can never stop something when there is a huge demand for it
It is no business of any one what some one else chooses to do with there free will and state of mind
Regulate like alchohol yes tax perhaps try to prohibite and tell lies about the reality and you will create a monster of Criminals with more money and power than many sovriegn states and all the petty crime amongst addicts that so changes our society
And Politicians will be suborned and bought and our law enforcement demoralised
You cant win "the war on drugs" comforting as that thought may be as a sound bite nor will the killing of a few Asians or europeans affect that outcome one iota
Its no more or less sad to loose a family member from road accident illness suicide or overdose and we cant stop any of those either nit pick all you want it wont change a thing nor ritualy putting to death a few pinoys whos crime was to be poor and be caste in the role of scapegoat