ok Cielo, thats great, I will see if I can coordinate that for both days, for some on Saturday and maybe some on Sunday, I might go even for both days, I will get a list of who is coming on each day, and try and coordinate that, i just spoke to Gina in Philippines and she told me that the event is already being advertised on t.v. there, and she has seen that a t.v. crew is coming to send live pictures back to the Philippines, hmmm great stuff.

As for my website, I have the blog at http://www.ginapeterb.mutiply.com and my personal website at http://www.british-filipino.com so you can have lots of fun building sites, the website took me 5 weeks to build and up to 5 hours a day encoding as I dont use front page or other builders, i write the code my self from scratch, heheheeh it takes longer, the java scriting I canablize from other sites, and alter to suit my needs, like the floating love hearts on my engagement page, I canabalized that also..hehehehe, I love javascripting, you can do amazing things with it.

As for Tagalog, I am learning Tagalog and also Ilongo, but it takes time, hey mag-balik ka ha ! so early in the morning di ba ? pero..hindi tutolog ka ba ? Keith will hate us for this, he doesnt speak the lingo..heheheheheheheheh and Rob in the valley only knows one Tagalog word, baaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa