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Thread: Why Filipina???

  1. #121
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    All I can say is that, my wifes love is unconditional, she accepts me for who I am and unlike most of the western women that I have known, she does not want to change me. The biggest bonus is that beautiful smile and sparkle in her eyes that greet me each morning. money just can't buy that

  2. #122
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Great question!
    Well for me too I didn't go looking either! Me and my gorgeous fiancee met - love at first sight, she is the first Filipina I've ever met and we just clicked.
    We spent three days together and then sadly I had to return to the uk. She kept in touch by SMS and when I got back to Asia I called her to come and stay with me in Kuala Lumpur.
    The rest as you say is history!

    Some of the sentiments mentioned are so true in my fiancee too, she gets so jealous which one hand I like because it proves without a shadow of doubt she truly loves me! On other hand it can upset me because I love her more than any words...I can only show her how much if you know what I mean!
    Also when in KL I got a lot of negative comments from colleagues who said whatever you do don't marry cos all Filipina girls are out for your money!
    I've not witnessed anything like this with my fiancee and I stuck to my guns and continued the relationship! I'm looking for loyalty too and I know you give before you get...
    I love my beautiful Filipina and hope we live a long and happy life together.

    It's just the red tape of getting her here that's so depressing to me!!


  3. #123
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thats all, red tape but it can be sorted, we all have gone through that and are still going through it too, like you say its all worth it in the end

  4. #124
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    You can tell an English guy who has a Filipina for a wife, he walks around with a contended smile that suggests to all the unlucky men in the world, that he is privy to something special that they will probably never be able to comprehend. Words don't really describe what it is, but all you guys lucky enough to have a Filipina wife know. you see it first thing in the morning, every moment that you spend with each other during the day and, last thing at night..... need I say more?

  5. #125
    Member exadore1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    Great question!
    Well for me too I didn't go looking either! Me and my gorgeous fiancee met - love at first sight, she is the first Filipina I've ever met and we just clicked.
    We spent three days together and then sadly I had to return to the uk. She kept in touch by SMS and when I got back to Asia I called her to come and stay with me in Kuala Lumpur.
    The rest as you say is history!

    Some of the sentiments mentioned are so true in my fiancee too, she gets so jealous which one hand I like because it proves without a shadow of doubt she truly loves me! On other hand it can upset me because I love her more than any words...I can only show her how much if you know what I mean!
    Also when in KL I got a lot of negative comments from colleagues who said whatever you do don't marry cos all Filipina girls are out for your money!
    I've not witnessed anything like this with my fiancee and I stuck to my guns and continued the relationship! I'm looking for loyalty too and I know you give before you get...
    I love my beautiful Filipina and hope we live a long and happy life together.

    It's just the red tape of getting her here that's so depressing to me!!

    Hey there, having just gone through all the "Red Tape" I can sympathise, but please believe me, If you follow the rules and do everything correctly you will be rewarded. I can remember vividly how i felt when I opened my email at 06:00 in the morning and had confirmation that my wife's visa had been granted. I physically shook. Now she will be hear in a week and all the crap that we went through just seems like a bad dream now. So, trust your own judgement and not that of lesser beings, who neither have the heart or strength of character to deserve the love of your chosen lady.

  6. #126
    Member kate_th's Avatar
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    hahaha this is so funnnnyyyy.... lol

  7. #127
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kate_th View Post
    hahaha this is so funnnnyyyy.... lol
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #128
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by exadore1 View Post
    Hey there, having just gone through all the "Red Tape" I can sympathise, but please believe me, If you follow the rules and do everything correctly you will be rewarded. I can remember vividly how i felt when I opened my email at 06:00 in the morning and had confirmation that my wife's visa had been granted. I physically shook. Now she will be hear in a week and all the crap that we went through just seems like a bad dream now. So, trust your own judgement and not that of lesser beings, who neither have the heart or strength of character to deserve the love of your chosen lady.
    Thanks very much for your kind words - and I believe what you say 100%.
    I'm just waiting for the TOEIC test results - all the paperwork is ready for the visa application (about 3" of it) we just need the certificates from those tests and we are ready to go...

    Totally agree with your "tell wh has a Filipina wife" my Mahal is so gorgeous and some of the portraits I have of her on my phone have blown the minds (small explosions in some) of my friends - and comments like "how the hell did you pull her" all I can say is wit, charm and sincerity are three good traits I have and I want to enjoy life, have fun and love this girl like she has never been loved before..

  9. #129
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    We understand British Humour. How about that?

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donna Seterra View Post
    We understand British Humour. How about that?

    I have learned so much from this guy's techniques too.

  11. #131
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    I was always a big fan of Benny Hill.
    Don't care what anyone says, he was one of the funniest. Loved his shows.

  12. #132
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    Then of course there was our Tommy.

  13. #133
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    Tommy Cooper my number one funny man.

    No question.

  14. #134
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