Great question!
Well for me too I didn't go looking either! Me and my gorgeous fiancee met - love at first sight, she is the first Filipina I've ever met and we just clicked.
We spent three days together and then sadly I had to return to the uk. She kept in touch by SMS and when I got back to Asia I called her to come and stay with me in Kuala Lumpur.
The rest as you say is history!
Some of the sentiments mentioned are so true in my fiancee too, she gets so jealous which one hand I like because it proves without a shadow of doubt she truly loves me! On other hand it can upset me because I love her more than any words...I can only show her how much

if you know what I mean!
Also when in KL I got a lot of negative comments from colleagues who said whatever you do don't marry cos all Filipina girls are out for your money!
I've not witnessed anything like this with my fiancee and I stuck to my guns and continued the relationship! I'm looking for loyalty too and I know you give before you get...
I love my beautiful Filipina and hope we live a long and happy life together.
It's just the red tape of getting her here that's so depressing to me!!