I'm sure some of you must be wondering what the hell I am doing ... typing away [not so merrily] at such an ungodly hour! No ... I ain't on the night-shift. I went to bed before midnight (for a change!) ... but try as I might - and I DID - I just couldn't sleep ... and lay in bed tossing and turning.
It's becoming a habit - a BAD habit - and one I dearly wish I could overcome. Whenever I DO manage to doze offfor a few hours, I invariably waken up drenched in sweat ... something I've long-believed is normally more symptomatic among the "fairer" sex at a certain age. But I've aready GONE through the so-called male menopause ... it's been a while since my 'mid life crisis' - if, indeed, I ever had one!
So maybe it's to do with the fact that recent [further] blood sugar levels and glucose tolerance tests have finally confirmed that I am diabetic ... although I've yet to see a doctor - as thus far, consultations have all been with one or other of the Practice Nurses ... and usually a different one during each appointment. Also I find myself itching a lot at night - as well as visiting the loofrequently - which doesn't exactly help matters.