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Thread: council tax

  1. #1
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    council tax

    its april and another year for council husband added my name to the bill just now we thought putting my name a bit late would save us money and then "NO" as we ended up paying the previous months since i arrive here in the its almost 2 thousand pounds to be paid now...UK life grrrr

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    he was suppose to pay the full amount once you came to the UK

  3. #3
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    but the services the services
    Absit invidia

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    he was suppose to pay the full amount once you came to the UK
    Agreed Joe. Jane entered uk Dec 6th so the additional council tax for Jane started from Dec when applying for ilr, it will show all is above board. Im sure the ilr application states council tax bill is requirement.

    The council had a problem getting the correct spelling for Jane even though I called then up twice.

    2 thousand pounds is alot to pay back. My single occupancy tariff was 73 pounds a month, rising to 107 when Jane arrived. Going by the 2 grand you are having to pay back, that's 29 months worth!

    Y ou were lucky you weren't fined as well, which may have been the case if you had of been reported.

  5. #5
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    Council tax depends on the size and banding of the house you live in, and also on the local authority. £2K a year sounds about right, it's what I pay

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Council tax depends on the size and banding of the house you live in, and also on the local authority. £2K a year sounds about right, it's what I pay
    Our latest is £2250 but I'm appealing against that. Same process every year, but seems no records of continuity. It's not good enough I will have to pay then if it follows the usual timeframe I will receive a rebate around November

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Council tax depends on the size and banding of the house you live in, and also on the local authority. £2K a year sounds about right, it's what I pay
    Point taken Englishman. The banding system is not being disputed

    Im just stating the importance of paying your council as and when it should be paid.

    No big deal for us British citizens but, for guests of the royal sovereign (our pina wife's on a temporary visa), it is important to get it right.

    Whether you are paying 5 or 1 grand a year makes no difference.

    I live in a shed, a shed that's paid for by the way, which would probably explain why you are paying more than me.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I live in a shed, a shed that's paid for by the way, which would probably explain why you are paying more than me.
    I don't exactly live in a Mansion either, mines the result of a left wing council who happily waste money on things we dont need

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    My single occupancy tariff was 73 pounds a month
    So was mine, now it's gone down to £48 p/m

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Dont mess with saving money on the council tax I.E forgetting to advise them if they find out and want to you can both be in serious trouble as the council tax and failing to pay can end up with you in prison
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I don't exactly live in a Mansion either, mines the result of a left wing council who happily waste money on things we dont need
    i live in a labour strong hold in Salford/Manchester,this years council tax is £1,184

    i think if i remember correctly council tax is the only bill if you pay late, i think twice late you automatically lose the right to pay by installments

    i had to back pay some council tax, thou only for a couple of months.

    i was chatting with someone i work with last week about his water bill, he told me his water bill is £700+ a yr for him and his wife, we are both with untied utils but i only pay £30 a month for 5 for us

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i was chatting with someone i work with last week about his water bill, he told me his water bill is £700+ a yr for him and his wife, we are both with untied utils but i only pay £30 a month for 5 for us
    I really am sick now hearing what everyone else pays, I live on my own, and don't waste water. The washing machine goes on 2 or 3 times a week, i use the dishwasher 2 or 3 times a week and I shower once or twice a day, i've moved the ball in the toilet cistern so it doesn't fill as much and I still pay £45 pm to the robbing gits at Severn Trent

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I really am sick now hearing what everyone else pays, I live on my own, and don't waste water. The washing machine goes on 2 or 3 times a week, i use the dishwasher 2 or 3 times a week and I shower once or twice a day, i've moved the ball in the toilet cistern so it doesn't fill as much and I still pay £45 pm to the robbing gits at Severn Trent
    i dont know where they get their prices from, still no water meters here yet

    thou i'm at the price of electric and gas

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i dont know where they get their prices from, still no water meters here yet

    thou i'm at the price of electric and gas
    I switched my Elec and Gas from NPower to OVO and it went down from £145pm to £75PM, i've just given them my meter readings and I'm £250 in credit after the winter - mind you I wish I had turned the heating on when we had that cold snap from Nov to Jan

  15. #15
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I really am sick now hearing what everyone else pays, I live on my own, and don't waste water. The washing machine goes on 2 or 3 times a week, i use the dishwasher 2 or 3 times a week and I shower once or twice a day, i've moved the ball in the toilet cistern so it doesn't fill as much and I still pay £45 pm to the robbing gits at Severn Trent
    Something doesn't sound right there. I use a similar amount apart from a dishwasher which I haven't got and I pay around £110-£120 per year and that's with Severn Trent.

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Blimey Englishman 2010 have you got Oil pouring out of your taps?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  17. #17
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    I pay my water bill 6 monthly. The last bill was 150 and I thought i was being robbed.

    I used to pay by dd. No more. They were taking way over the odds.

    We both shower twice a day then she may bathe as well. I water the garden and wash my car.

    We have a meter because the house was built at the time when all new houses were having them fitted.

    Council tax rates according to the government are being frozen for 2 years, correct me if im wrong. Looks if Jamie's is melting!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Blimey Englishman 2010 have you got Oil pouring out of your taps?
    Thinking about it, it's years since my water meter was read, I will take a reading and see where I stand

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Something doesn't sound right there. I use a similar amount apart from a dishwasher which I haven't got and I pay around £110-£120 per year and that's with Severn Trent.
    That seems low, just my standing charges are more than double that. Are standing charges linked to the number of taps, toilets and bathrooms that you have?

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Everyone I know with a water meter pays less.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    That seems low, just my standing charges are more than double that. Are standing charges linked to the number of taps, toilets and bathrooms that you have?
    Not sure Englishman. Just looked at my last bill from the period Sept to Feb.

    Water Supply @ 136.51 pence per cubic metre £10.92
    Used Water @ 83.68 pence per cubic metre £6.69
    Water Standing Charge £10.14
    Used Water Standing Charge £4.77
    Measured Drainage - Band 01 £10.80

    Total £43.32

  22. #22
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    at least its all sorted now...they will send us another bill with my name on it....we live in a gate house of a living. The house is not that big i can say though the garden is for water we paid 85 pounds for 5 months

  23. #23
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i live in a labour strong hold in Salford/Manchester,this years council tax is £1,184

    i think if i remember correctly council tax is the only bill if you pay late, i think twice late you automatically lose the right to pay by installments

    i had to back pay some council tax, thou only for a couple of months.

    i was chatting with someone i work with last week about his water bill, he told me his water bill is £700+ a yr for him and his wife, we are both with untied utils but i only pay £30 a month for 5 for us
    that happened to us last year...paying late twice...thats why husband had to pay it in full amount,,,,we recieved two notice first is pink paper and the last one is white demanding the full amount if not they put the case in court....

    bad memory can sometimes really put u in trouble

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Not sure Englishman. Just looked at my last bill from the period Sept to Feb.

    Water Supply @ 136.51 pence per cubic metre £10.92
    Used Water @ 83.68 pence per cubic metre £6.69
    Water Standing Charge £10.14
    Used Water Standing Charge £4.77
    Measured Drainage - Band 01 £10.80

    Total £43.32
    Thanks Jamie, I've just checked my last Severn Trent Bill (April 2010 - Oct 2010)

    Water supply 74m3 @ 136.51 pence per m3 - £101.01
    water standing charge - £13.55
    Used Water 74m3 @ 83.68pence per m3 - £61.92
    Used water standing charge - £6.37
    Measured drainage - Band 03 - £43.33

    I was £29.71 in credit so they increased my direct debit from £37 pm to £45 pm

    I don't actually know what any of the above means but I've just read my meter and I've used 33m3 water since the last bill almost 6 months ago.

    In hindsight, the last bills would have been based on usage when my ex-wife was still living in my house, so usage will have gone down now.

  25. #25
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    we don't pay council tax here in northern ireland but we do pay a rates bill,,,but thank god its nowhere near as expensive as you guys pay ,,,,

  26. #26
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Thanks Jamie, I've just checked my last Severn Trent Bill (April 2010 - Oct 2010)

    Water supply 74m3 @ 136.51 pence per m3 - £101.01
    water standing charge - £13.55
    Used Water 74m3 @ 83.68pence per m3 - £61.92
    Used water standing charge - £6.37
    Measured drainage - Band 03 - £43.33

    I was £29.71 in credit so they increased my direct debit from £37 pm to £45 pm

    I don't actually know what any of the above means but I've just read my meter and I've used 33m3 water since the last bill almost 6 months ago.

    In hindsight, the last bills would have been based on usage when my ex-wife was still living in my house, so usage will have gone down now.
    The standing charges are fairly similar to mine so it looks like the amount of water you've used is what makes it so high plus the drainage. I reckon your missus must have been washing with Evian spring water

    Also, the majority of my bills aren't DD. Much prefer to pay at the P.O.

  27. #27
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    I got monthly direct debits for everything apart from water, gas and electric.

    They take too much. Its not money lost, its just sat in there bank accounts earning them interest while, in my case, it could be paying off debt saving me interest

  28. #28
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    Yorkshire Water allows you to calculate how much metered water costs and see whether it's worth installing a meter (, as may other water companies.
    My metered water bill is £11 / month, gas and electric £52 with British Gas, and Council Tax £90 / month.
    However, my lifestyle may not be appropriate for everyone. The central heating is set so that the temperature is always above 16 degrees day and night ( too cool for a filipina).
    I'm also a member of a leisure centre and swimming pool, 5 minutes' walk away, costing £24 / month. A daily swim and shower there costs the equivalent of less than 60 pesos. Over the past two years I have never needed a shower or bath in my apartment !

  29. #29
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    All newly built properties in the Anglian Water region have been metered since 1990. Water services charges before that date for existing properties that haven’t switched to a water meter are based on the rateable value of the property, (which was previously assessed by the Valuation Office of the Inland Revenue donkeys years ago and does not take into account any property alterations since). It definitely pays to be metered if you do not have a large family. Indeed, for those living on their own where water consumption is below 70 cubic metres per year, there is a special tariff available for Anglian customers called SoLow which is cheaper than the standard tariff. For those of you living alone in other water company areas you might wish to see if something similar is available. Dishwashers can be extremely thirsty in the use of water, although manufacturers today are building them to be far more economical .

    Standing charges are not based on the number of taps a property has, they are fixed charges to cover the provision of the supply that has to be collected, cleaned, pumped and then taken away.

    Metering is by far the fairest way to pay as one pays for what they use after they have used it where as rateable value based charges are payable in advance.

    I pay all of my bills by monthly direct debit and in several cases receive a discount for doing so. If you think that you are paying too much by that method, the utilities are always willing to review the amount and adjust it based on anticipated consumption.
    My council tax bill has been frozen this year and I am paying the same as last, £129 per month for my son and I and water/ sewerage is £44 per month.

  30. #30
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    I actually did speak to British gas and Thames water about giving me a more realistic monthly bill.

    Both tried to baffle me with figures and assured me what they were taking from me was the average consumption over the year.

    When British Gas brought out the energy smart program, that's when I reverted back to monthly dd.

    T heyrequest a meter reading every month I then get billed 2 weeks later. Im paying for what I use.

    When the 6 monthly water bill comes, that is treated in a similar way. I give them a reading then im sent another bill.

    An example of how much Thames water were taking far in excess of whats deemed average over the year. I stopped my dd with them. They didn't ask for any money from me until the following year.
    B earin mind, I had only been with Thames water 3 years previous.
    In other words, they took 4 years worth of bills over a 3 year period.
    I had this out with them, they couldn't explain why.

    These utility companies are getting extremely fat at the expense of the trusting British public.

    Yes, they are giving you discount on your payment method but, it shades that into insignificance compared to what they are earning in interest from your money

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