Quote Originally Posted by denehazel View Post
thanks andypaul.you have been a great help as are the rest on here.i wish i had found you people earlier.ps you probably think im stupid but what is cfo.could you give me petes website please.thanks once again.
petes website has a link at the top on the right hand side of this page.


If you have the time read though that whole site and of course go though this site loads of useful help and advice.

The cfo if you search on this website, is an organsation which any phill going abroad has to get a stamp in there passport. To say they been to a talk and for want of a better word approved to go abroad.

heres the link to their site www. cfo.org.ph

If i can give you one bit of advice it is to masses of research, like with your other question about how to send money to phil things change constantly and everyones situation is silghty different whats best for one person may not be so good for another.