Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
If you get the most votes you WIN it's that simple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/, they could have run the government themselves, but DECIDED to form a coalition so they had a majority, they did not have to do that. You need a MAJORITY to be able to control parliament, not to WN.
So let me get this straight: if the Lib-Dems had instead ended up doing a deal with Labour and the Welsh/Scots Nationalists, therefore keeping the Tories in opposition, the Tories would still have won because they won the most seats? Righto. And what would that 'win' have then counted for exactly? Sweet FA, I would have thought.

No, they couldn't have just gone on and 'run the government themselves' on the basis of winning the most seats. The government get the option to continue as a minority one first. Hence why Brown stayed on as PM for a couple of weeks and was under no obligation to resign until someone else could command a majority. If the Tories had won then Brown would have had to resign straight away as he couldn't command a majority anymore.

Anyway, I'm quite happy to qualify the statement as it amounts to exactly the same thing: the Tories haven't won a outright majority in an election for nearly 20 years.