Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
You made the point that the Tories hadn't WON an election, whereas they won the last one. Party with the most votes WINS, simple as that. Now you've changed the argument to one of forming a government, which is a different subject
Why assume 'didn't win' is automatically the same as 'didn't win the most seats'? I just said 'didn't win'. Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority'. I would think most people would take 'didn't win' this way, for the reasons already given. You can hardly ignore the fact that if you haven't got a majority, someone else can form a government.

A quick look at the Tory press on the result:

Cameron didn't win because he was scared of sounding too Tory -

Why the Tories didn't win - http://www.spectator.co.uk/coffeehou...idnt-win.thtml

So the Daily Mail and Spectator say the Tories 'didn't win'. That is good enough for me!