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Thread: that .... cameron .. and his side kicks

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branno that .... cameron .. and his... 3rd April 2011, 21:48
Dedworth :laugher: That was a... 3rd April 2011, 21:53
jimeve oops someone's woke up the... 3rd April 2011, 21:56
branno cmon they did the same with... 3rd April 2011, 22:10
branno :yikes: 4th April 2011, 15:45
grahamw48 Reminds me...must go and have... 3rd April 2011, 23:11
KeithD :Erm: I think Cameron is... 4th April 2011, 09:31
branno i think the demonstrations... 4th April 2011, 11:20
Dedworth Other than the rent a mob... 4th April 2011, 17:05
gWaPito On the contrary Those so... 7th April 2011, 01:36
Tawi2 How much is Cameron giving... 7th April 2011, 07:06
branno all im saying is that if... 7th April 2011, 10:53
Manila_Paul Coalition. The Tories haven't... 7th April 2011, 13:55
KeithD The Tories WON the election,... 7th April 2011, 17:17
Manila_Paul :doh Cameron himself said... 8th April 2011, 02:44
gWaPito I had a neighbour who bought... 8th April 2011, 03:18
KeithD :doh If you get the most... 8th April 2011, 08:46
Manila_Paul So let me get this straight:... 8th April 2011, 10:34
KeithD :doh :doh :doh You made the... 8th April 2011, 10:41
Manila_Paul Why assume 'didn't win' is... 8th April 2011, 11:10
KeithD You surmise that we surmise... 8th April 2011, 11:21
Manila_Paul They won 36% of the vote! So... 8th April 2011, 11:43
Arthur Little That's as maybe :rolleyes:... 8th April 2011, 12:14
KeithD :doh I can tell why you're... 8th April 2011, 23:20
branno can we talk about pinochet... 8th April 2011, 22:05
Manila_Paul Doh. Double post. 8th April 2011, 10:51
timbo Here Here 5th April 2011, 08:38
Bluebirdjones Well, we all have the answer... 4th April 2011, 15:55
branno yeahh i agree with you... 4th April 2011, 16:06
Arthur Little Yes ... I received my... 4th April 2011, 17:51
Englishman2010 I hope that you don't suffer... 4th April 2011, 21:17
shrek48 really dont believe this post... 4th April 2011, 16:19
branno excuse me sir... firstly why... 4th April 2011, 22:38
Arthur Little :Erm: ... who was it sent... 4th April 2011, 23:39
branno i agree arthur, but even then... 4th April 2011, 23:57
branno yes i live do live in the... 4th April 2011, 23:19
Dedworth Typical Socialist :laugher:... 5th April 2011, 17:10
branno wot was that zulu war... 5th April 2011, 17:58
branno capitalism, communism and... 7th April 2011, 10:47
Englishman2010 I completely agree with... 4th April 2011, 17:44
Manila_Paul Lets be clear, liberal... 5th April 2011, 08:44
Ako Si Jamie At the end of the day there... 4th April 2011, 21:05
KeithD We fought in the Falklands to... 4th April 2011, 22:40
branno please explain why the labour... 4th April 2011, 23:02
KeithD Well tell that to the Argies,... 4th April 2011, 23:15
grahamw48 :peepwall: 4th April 2011, 22:58
grahamw48 Correction: Tony Bliar. :) 5th April 2011, 00:38
Arthur Little ... :iagree:! 5th April 2011, 00:49
Englishman2010 Or his full name : ... 5th April 2011, 08:07
grahamw48 I blame Oliver Cromwell.... 5th April 2011, 17:13
Englishman2010 Don't blame him, he was one... 5th April 2011, 17:31
shrek48 branno if we were all... 5th April 2011, 17:40
branno the russians invaded poland... 5th April 2011, 18:46
Tawi2 I never accept the concept of... 5th April 2011, 19:07
branno will a wee dram make... 5th April 2011, 19:15
Tawi2 It might if I wasnt... 5th April 2011, 19:17
branno make it a pot of tea then..... 5th April 2011, 20:59
Bluebirdjones Branno ……”the russians... 6th April 2011, 13:41
jimeve Germany did indeed invade... 6th April 2011, 16:04
KeithD What a :Cuckoo: .... it was... 6th April 2011, 16:18
branno thatcher and pinochet..... 7th April 2011, 23:32
branno but russia still invade... 6th April 2011, 19:50
branno all i say is ... vote labour... 7th April 2011, 22:52
gWaPito archer was too busy having... 7th April 2011, 23:25
grahamw48 . 10 hour shifts in 35C... 7th April 2011, 23:44
branno he had it all...the art... 8th April 2011, 00:03
Arthur Little Methinks you'll find the... 8th April 2011, 00:22
Arthur Little Hmm, Rob ... "there's none so... 7th April 2011, 23:32
branno i have changed it..... 7th April 2011, 23:54
grahamw48 We committed quite a few... 6th April 2011, 20:00
KeithD The genocide we comitted... 6th April 2011, 21:04
branno theres a lot of dark forces... 6th April 2011, 22:20
grahamw48 Cameron announced yesterday... 6th April 2011, 23:40
Dedworth I read that... 7th April 2011, 14:37
jimeve Cammorone needed the said... 7th April 2011, 15:05
KeithD Arthritic pain is manageable... 7th April 2011, 00:23
KeithD £650M is only a drop in the... 7th April 2011, 09:01
jimeve Throughout 1990, Thatcher's... 7th April 2011, 13:36
grahamw48 In 1979 when Thatcher took... 7th April 2011, 13:58
jimeve and when she was ousted... 7th April 2011, 14:07
Manila_Paul As far as I can see from the... 7th April 2011, 14:31
grahamw48 It's not just a matter of... 7th April 2011, 18:59
scott&ligaya :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning... 7th April 2011, 21:52
Manila_Paul You would have a point if we... 8th April 2011, 07:36
Dedworth Reference some of the... 7th April 2011, 15:58
Englishman2010 Very well put Graham and... 7th April 2011, 20:48
grahamw48 'Honest days work' ? ... 7th April 2011, 23:05
gWaPito Y oujust described 'him'... 7th April 2011, 23:23
jimeve 10 hour shifts, that all........ 8th April 2011, 13:55
gWaPito Unless you've actually worked... 8th April 2011, 14:29
jimeve Already had a disagreement... 8th April 2011, 15:28
gWaPito ' get my drift' nudge nudge... 8th April 2011, 15:57
grahamw48 Those were my hours too...7... 8th April 2011, 17:51
jimeve spare me while I go and blow... 8th April 2011, 18:59
grahamw48 I'm sure you are mate.... 7th April 2011, 23:31
branno nahhh we all just dont agree... 7th April 2011, 23:34
gWaPito You need a nice young woman... 8th April 2011, 00:52
scott&ligaya I still saw the remains of... 8th April 2011, 00:46
branno i some how think that david... 8th April 2011, 00:50
Dedworth Is it any surprise that... 8th April 2011, 00:54
gWaPito Haha that made me laugh. That... 8th April 2011, 03:48
scott&ligaya Actually the current owner of... 8th April 2011, 01:00
Dedworth I hope it works out for the... 8th April 2011, 01:03
branno just a sweet word of... 8th April 2011, 01:10
scott&ligaya SAIC inherited the tooling,... 8th April 2011, 01:32
scott&ligaya I hope so to, I got a brick... 8th April 2011, 01:10
KeithD :hijacked: :icon_lol: 8th April 2011, 08:28
scott&ligaya I was actually wondering if... 8th April 2011, 14:52
scott&ligaya grrrrrrrrrrrr cannot get you... 8th April 2011, 14:55
jimeve Plenty of ex armed forces on... 8th April 2011, 16:13
grahamw48 So, that's your considered... 8th April 2011, 19:21
jimeve Hope we get to meet up... 8th April 2011, 19:25
branno wohhhhhhhhh hang on boys ... 8th April 2011, 19:40
grahamw48 Noted. 8th April 2011, 20:10
branno ill buy the beers and it will... 8th April 2011, 20:22
branno words well spoken graham....... 8th April 2011, 19:41
jimeve branno I don't give a flying... 8th April 2011, 19:48
branno yeah i kno im ex navy too...... 8th April 2011, 20:02
grahamw48 My dad started down the pit.... 8th April 2011, 20:08
branno i think we all become angry... 8th April 2011, 20:19
branno was there any brass band... 8th April 2011, 20:30
jimeve Sorry to hear about your... 8th April 2011, 20:16
branno age creeps up on us all ....... 8th April 2011, 20:36
gWaPito A slight contradiction there... 8th April 2011, 21:56
scott&ligaya Jimeve, I don`t get it, I... 8th April 2011, 22:13
bornatbirth Dear Me :NoNo: :cwm23:, i... 8th April 2011, 23:08
KeithD Back down to some members... 8th April 2011, 23:23
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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manila_Paul View Post
    Why assume 'didn't win' is automatically the same as 'didn't win the most seats'? I just said 'didn't win'. Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority'.
    You surmise that we surmise what you think but do not write which is incorrect.

    Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority - Is still incorrect to what you seem to mean as they did win a majority of the votes, or are we to surmise you mean something different? In which case you'd make an excellent MP saying things when you mean something else
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority - Is still incorrect to what you seem to mean as they did win a majority of the votes
    They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manila_Paul View Post
    They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.
    That's as maybe ... but - whichever way you care to LOOK at it - we ought to be thankful that, at long last, we have a Government that has at least SOME about what they're trying to achieve!

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manila_Paul View Post
    They won 36% of the vote! So no, whichever way you wish to take it, they didn't win a majority.
    I can tell why you're not a professional gambler with the way you manage figures
    Keith - Administrator

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