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Thread: Immigration Border Control - Highest form of Racism

  1. #1
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    Immigration Border Control - Highest form of Racism

    If you think about how Border Control works, they decide based on someones nationality whether they will enter the country, and can deny them based on a stereotype of a typical person in that place. This is essentially racism, and makes me wonder how governments who employ border policies like the UK and America can justify the over compensated equal opportunity policies in one hand and have these policies in the other.

    We all accept, that if you just opened your borders gates, the country would be swamped immediately, but it doesn't negate the fact that border control is racism.

    Does my view seem logical or irrational?

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I have given up trying to understand how the UK Border Agency work or think

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So the only way to resolve it is to let them all in but stop any British whites from getting back in the country

    ...and it's not actually racism under the official meaning of the word.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont think its racism , if you discover from certain countries people are more likely to use fake papers to try and obtain a visa, surely your going to do more checks and scrutinize the application more than a app from somebody who is applying for a visa where there is little fraud.

    i think it was not long ago they shut down the visa section in India for a while because of fraud?, and i think Jamaica was a difficult place to get a visa from, but I've now seen UKBA has made it easier because of changes the Jamaican gov made..

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Didn't notice any discrimination yet, am sure they know what they are doing ..what annoys me is some border officials language when they speak, i cant understand a bit,...I always have to borrow the word ''pardon'', excuse me , say it again? I think they should hire multi linguist if the papers don't speak for itself
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post

    Does my view seem logical or irrational?
    , Ricky ... and perfectly logical too. But - in all fairness - I think the Border Agency's apparent "attitude" probably stems from bitter lessons learned in the past - involving a seemingly higher influx of illegals from certain countries.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    - involving a seemingly higher influx of illegals from certain countries.
    And ... of course ... this, in turn, rebounds on *those wishing to come to the UK for GENUINE reasons ... making it all the harder for *them to be granted visas!!!

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    So ... I suppose, from that angle, at least ... ... the need for extra vigilance is understandable.

  9. #9
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    I've noticed that a high proportion of UK immigration officials are of Indian descent, and I always feel that I am highly scrutinised when I re-enter the UK.

    Personally I don't have a problem with the way border officials are in the UK, with so many illegals here they have got to be firm with anyone entering the country, whether they are white, brown, black, green or blue. I might feel differently if they ever refused me re-entry in to the UK

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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Didn't notice any discrimination yet, am sure they know what they are doing ..what annoys me is some border officials language when they speak, i cant understand a bit,...I always have to borrow the word ''pardon'', excuse me , say it again? I think they should hire multi linguist if the papers don't speak for itself
    Its a case of lazy talking, they eat there words, just like me sometimes

    Border control are letting in people who can support themselves without being a burden on the downtrodden British tax payers.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I've noticed that a high proportion of UK immigration officials are of Indian descent, and I always feel that I am highly scrutinised when I re-enter the UK.
    something you might not be aware of Indians cannot have dual nationality, that's why many have ILR but don't apply for citizenship.

    any citizen of India who by naturalisation or registration acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India. It also provides that any citizen of India who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India

  12. #12
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    Sorry Ricky, have to disagree with you this time. I don't see any evidence of racism within UKBA.
    There may well be some form of unofficial 'profiling' etc, but to be totally honest I think we would all do some of that at some time.

    What put the seed of that idea into your thinking Ricky?

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    something you might not be aware of Indians cannot have dual nationality, that's why many have ILR but don't apply for citizenship.
    ... wasn't aware of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    any citizen of India who by naturalisation or registration acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India. It also provides that any citizen of India who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India
    Maybe the "powers that be" feel they have too many Indians ... and not enough Chiefs!!

  14. #14
    Member shinx's Avatar
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    I like Ali G's idea - just let in all the 'fit' girls ) (joke)

  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    something you might not be aware of Indians cannot have dual nationality, that's why many have ILR but don't apply for citizenship.

    any citizen of India who by naturalisation or registration acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India. It also provides that any citizen of India who voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India
    Many have PIO status which i think if i rember correct means they can buy propety in india and have an indefinte visa status but not full dual citzenship.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinx View Post
    I like Ali G's idea - just let in all the 'fit' girls ) (joke)
    how many of these girls will end up marrying illegal immigrants or europeans living in the uk , maybe a good idea if they have to marry a Brit

  17. #17
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    To Deny ANYTHING, let alone Entry Into The UK, to ANYONE, because of their RACE or NATIONALITY, is, by Definition, RACISM !

    YES we should ban UNDESIRABLES from entering the UK, but "Not Being British" is no qualification for being Undesirable.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Graham View Post
    To Deny ANYTHING, let alone Entry Into The UK, to ANYONE, because of their RACE or NATIONALITY, is, by Definition, RACISM !

    YES we should ban UNDESIRABLES from entering the UK, but "Not Being British" is no qualification for being Undesirable.
    Anyone wishing to enter UK for any reason needs to fill out the application form and comply with immigration requirements. There is no racism involved at any part of the process. If you have any evidence to suggest otherwise report it to the authorities.

    Yet, you would ban 'undesirables' --- whatever the definition of 'undesirable' is. Sounds quite subjective to me depending on someones frame of reference.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I dont think its racism,just common sense policy,its like a size 20 bird trying on the skirt of her size 8 sister,she just wouldnt all fit and the skirt would be bulging at the seams,your right,the UK would be SWAMPED within weeks a free for all entry system policy was announced Turkey has just tightened up immigration/visa policys specifically for filipinos

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  20. #20
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Turkey has just tightened up immigration/visa policys specifically for filipinos
    Filipinos? ... why tighten up immigration policies specifically aimed at Filipinos?

  21. #21
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Graham View Post
    To Deny ANYTHING, let alone Entry Into The UK, to ANYONE, because of their RACE or NATIONALITY, is, by Definition, RACISM !

    YES we should ban UNDESIRABLES from entering the UK, but "Not Being British" is no qualification for being Undesirable.
    ... either you misunderstand - or you're being naive. There has to be strict control on who should be allowed entry to the UK in order to keep out the undersirables you mention. As I've already pointed out in an earlier post, much of the action currently being taken by British Immigration Officials derives from bitter lessons learnt in the past - when a pattern emerged involving a significantly higher proportion of illegals from specific countries. And, in this respect - if no other - they're serving their purpose effectively within the framework of resources available to them. Indeed, it could even be argued that some of the measures aren't tough enough.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    why tighten up immigration policies specifically aimed at Filipinos?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  23. #23
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    on a more cheerful note here, ive just read some facts on percentages of visas refused ..all tho these are a few yrs old its still its may be still reflective on todays figures too... the british high commission in lagos had a staggering 101,000 visa application refusing 46,000 .. the highest number of visa applications was from lagos, nigeria.. (without the right of appeal).. manila had the lowest rate of refusals at 22% of 9000 applications recieved... so hey theres hope.. these were figures from 2005..

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branno View Post
    the british high commission in lagos had a staggering 101,000 visa application refusing 46,000 .. the highest number of visa applications was from lagos, nigeria.. (without the right of appeal).. manila had the lowest rate of refusals at 22% of 9000 applications recieved... so hey theres hope.. these were figures from 2005..
    Rather proves my point ... even if the statistics you quote ARE nearly six years' old!

  25. #25
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    It definately is racism, its just acceptable in this context, because its from the government. We all accept though, that without immigration controls, we'd be swamped.

  26. #26
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by branno View Post
    on a more cheerful note here, ive just read some facts on percentages of visas refused ..all tho these are a few yrs old its still its may be still reflective on todays figures too... the british high commission in lagos had a staggering 101,000 visa application refusing 46,000 .. the highest number of visa applications was from lagos, nigeria.. (without the right of appeal).. manila had the lowest rate of refusals at 22% of 9000 applications recieved... so hey theres hope.. these were figures from 2005..
    them quotes i don't think are for settlements visa's, there probably an over all % rate of visit visa's, student visa etc.. as with a settlement visa you should have the right to appeal..

  27. #27
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    I have given up trying to understand how the UK Border Agency work or think
    i dont think its consistent... as it could be..

  28. #28
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    It definately is racism, its just acceptable in this context, because its from the government. We all accept though, that without immigration controls, we'd be swamped.
    hi ricky r... may i just add to wot ur saying... i too feel in wot ur saying.. i think also that we could relax certain things in the visa department... wether its a girl friend or wife .. we do seem to be very harsh wen it comes to the ukb requirements..why cant we have a one week two week or 4 week holiday visay without all the bloody requirements.. i kno as you kno that if ur from the eeu.. its ok if u cant speak english.. but if ur american its exempted too... i too feel that if u can prove every thing there shud be no doubt as to wether u can or cannot fund any thing... we can move so freely in europe but any one else is restricted... yeahhh it stinks in my eyes too

  29. #29
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... either you misunderstand - or you're being naive. There has to be strict control on who should be allowed entry to the UK in order to keep out the undersirables you mention. As I've already pointed out in an earlier post, much of the action currently being taken by British Immigration Officials derives from bitter lessons learnt in the past - when a pattern emerged involving a significantly higher proportion of illegals from specific countries. And, in this respect - if no other - they're serving their purpose effectively within the framework of resources available to them. Indeed, it could even be argued that some of the measures aren't tough enough.
    the horse has bolted ...

  30. #30
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    After every major Overseas Football Match the UKBA lets Thousands of KNOWN UNDESIRABLE SCUM back into the UK, and because these guys are British, THEY don't have to fill in any forms in order to enter the UK.

    So I have to disagree with Terpe when he says "Anyone wishing to enter UK for any reason needs to fill out the application form and comply with immigration requirements. There is no racism involved at any part of the process."

    The very fact that it is NOT EVERYONE, and ONLY NON-BRITONS who have to fill in these forms and comply with Immigration Rules PROVES that the whole process IS RACIST !

    The UKBA is NOT happy to receive criticism.
    In the past I've struggled to get anywhere with them until I started to involve my MP.

    Anyone who thinks the UKBA operates without Racism should watch the episode from the recent TV Documentary Series, when officers were shown on "Station Patrol".

    This activity doesn't take place at any "Border" of the UK, but at our main Bus, Train and Tube Stations.
    Groups of UKBA Officers "lurk" outside these Transport Hubs at Peak Periods and single out travellers who "LOOK FOREIGN". Without the presence of REAL POLICE OFFICERS they then Publicly Humiliate and Challenge these travellers, to Produce Papers or Proof that they are entitled to be in the UK !

    If you or I picked on people who are going about their daily business and subjected them to abuse ...... purely because they "LOOKED FOREIGN" ....... we'd be ARRESTED !

    Even REAL POLICEMEN are NOT ALLOWED to hassle foreigners, just because they LOOK FOREIGN !

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