cameron wake up bug taw no one likes you or the bloody lib dems... uve got no idea about politics or as much as been a father ... so hey dont send soldiers to a war u have no idea about... get a grip with life and respect our life too.
cameron wake up bug taw no one likes you or the bloody lib dems... uve got no idea about politics or as much as been a father ... so hey dont send soldiers to a war u have no idea about... get a grip with life and respect our life too.
That was a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of The Monster Raving Loony Party
oops someone's woke up the ded![]()
cmon they did the same with the falklands.. no ideaaaaaaaaaa
Reminds me...must go and have a drink.
Mate, they're all the same self-serving egotistical sponging parasites.
The ideology and any urge to be of service to their fellow man is soon knocked out of them, and then the addiction to the lifestyle takes over I'm sure.
- Only wish I'd taken the Young Conservatives more seriously than as a place for good pissups, parties and refined but loose young ladies....could have hooked up to the gravy train too.![]()
I think Cameron is doing a good job sorting out Brown's decade long destruction of the economy, and I support Labour
Keith - Administrator
i think the demonstrations alone are telling us wot another bunch cowboys we have in power.
Well, we all have the answer come 5th May, on the referendem about voting reforms.
Granted it ain't perfect (AV), but it's a start.
... from little acorns grow might oaks.
If you are serious about changing the face of British politics .... then get yourself along to your polling station.
... and if you can't be bothered to vote, then you'll only get what you deserve. So don't go moaning later on.
Arthur ..... are you working as Presiding Officer ?
No man is an island, but Barry is
really dont believe this post ???? are u saying dont help lybians who are fighting to get rid of a tyrrant who helped kill us in our tubes and on buses. are you saying labour did not fu-k us up a dry .... for the last 10 + years ??? do u live in the real world????
Other than the rent a mob anarchists both demonstrations comprising of so called students and public sector "workers" who are sectional interests that see their cosy lives threatened. What about the poor old private sector taxpayer who's had to pay the bloated salaries of the overmanned public sector for years
The bunch of cowboys who created the financial mess we are in were slung out last May, Millibore and his slippery cohorts who supported the demos know that if they were in power they would be making large cuts. Previous "Chancellor" Alistair Darling himself described the cuts he was planning as “deeper and tougher” than those of the Thatcher era. Have a look at this from the Daily Handwringer of one year ago
I completely agree with Dedworth
Labour have nearly bankrupted this country, the same as they have every time they have been in power. I'm not saying the Tories are perfect, far from it in fact, but they are the best of a bad bunch and I trust them far more to sort out the mess Labour got us into.
If Labour were still in power we'd be heading in the same direction as Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Iceland![]()
Yes ... I received my "conscription papers" again last week; the Referendum up here is being held on the same day as - and in conjunction with - the Scottish Parliamentary Elections.And, true to their reputation, the "Jocks"
like to get their money's worth - AND (in my case) their 196 lb pounds of flesh
- in return for the 285 GBP Sterling [less tax] fee payable to myself and every other Presiding Officer north of Hadrian's Wall.
At the end of the day there all as bad as each other. All they care about is lining their own pockets or massaging their over inflated ego's.
excuse me sir... firstly why should my son fight for a known idiot .. why should we follow as another side kick to the americans... why did we fight in the falklands... how come the labour government detered that conflict many times.. why did the moo thatcher allow that conflict.. why was the ships log lost wen it sank the belgrano... killing many innocent people.. please just tell me why we fought a war wen it could of been prevented so many times like the labour government prevented..all thatcher had to do was send a detterent there... but nooo she was struggling in her votes... and it cost many lifes in her campaign to win back the stuppid voters... only facts as i see them ..i disagree with violence and war and i feel no need ever to support the americans in their greed for oil...
We fought in the Falklands to protect the British people on our own land.... Thatcher didn't 'allow' the conflict .. the Argies started it
We are not following the Americans into Libya .... we organised it ... the Yanks didn't want to get involved![]()
Keith - Administrator
Well tell that to the Argies, they invaded our land..... regardless of who was in power in the UK, they would have invaded anyway due to the political enviroment in Argentina at the time. The Junta done it to gain public support at a time they were sinking .... but it dramatically backfired on them.
Please make sure you know your facts before coming out with incorrect statements![]()
Keith - Administrator
yes i live do live in the real world.. but as you kno in politics.. we are or was only trying to correct wot those people did durring the thatcher reign... and that will take more than ten years. infact it will never be corrected.. so continue to vote torie but i suggest u read the manifesto too.... next time you vote...oh well its only politics.. and as regards libya... leave them to it.. ill defend my own shores always..
... who was it sent our troops into Iraq to appease the whimsical and unfounded notion
attributed to the then US President, *George W. Bush, that Saddam Hussein had access to Weapons of Mass Destruction? And followed this up by doing likewise in Afghanistan ...
... none other than *his "side-kick" ... Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair!
Tony Bliar.![]()
Here Here
Lets be clear, liberal economic policy nearly bankrupted the country. In that respect, there was no fundamental change between 1997-2010. Labour brought in a few moderate reforms but the fundamentals weren't dealt with. As Thatcher said, New Labour was her greatest legacy. The Tories opposition to Labour during the 13 years amounted to saying Labour were regulating the banks too much, weren't privisating quickly enough etc. And as for the nonesense about public spending being the cause, the Tories supported the spending plans to the last. So yes, New Labour were crap but it would have been even worse under the Tories. The real opposition actually came from backbench Labour MPs. They actually asked the hard questions over things like Iraq while the ikes of Iain Duncan-Smith were urging Blair on!
Typical Socialist- the Tories were last in Govt in 1997 yet you are still heaping blame on them - I can't think of any positive Labour acheivements during their subsequent 13 years in power and now Millipede is beholden to the Union brothers.
Benjamin Disraeli was Prime Minister in the 1870's no doubt you hold him responsible for the Zulu War - come to think of it we ought to issue an apology over that one, we said sorry for slavery![]()
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