I hope so to, I got a brick from the demolition of the old Purchasing block they knocked down about 2 years ago, I go running at Lickey Hills country park just above what was the old plant. I never thought I may work there again sometime
I hope so to, I got a brick from the demolition of the old Purchasing block they knocked down about 2 years ago, I go running at Lickey Hills country park just above what was the old plant. I never thought I may work there again sometime
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Cameron himself said they didn't win! As was also conceded by loads of senior Tories. Being the biggest party clearly does not equal victory under our system. You need a majority to win. I have heard this described as the Tories not 'winning outright' but that doesn't make any sense - as there is nothing short of a majority that is victory under our system. You may as well say the Lib-Dems didn't 'win outright'.
I had a neighbour who bought 2 new allegro's on the trot. She bought them out of loyalty to the country.
T hecar was utter crap. I remember her having to mount a curb then the windscreen popped out! This happened on the first one. Still she stayed loyal and kept her garage busy![]()
Haha that made me laugh. That story reminded me of that carry on film about the toilet factory. That was a send up of the unions.
D idn't Red Robo and co go cause havoc in the land of oz?
I msure the families of these goons are still living off the misery they caused us Brits![]()
You would have a point if we were the only country to go into debt over this period but it was a global crisis for all those countries which had mistakenly hitched their horses to the finance capital wagon. George Bush and his 'free market' Republican loonies ended up having to nationalise a large percentage of the US banking sector. The Tories would have had to do much the same. Except, it would have been an even bigger debt under them as they were pushing for further deregulation and for more power to the city. New Labour were crap, no doubt about it. But the Tories over 13 years backed them all the way on all the key issues and were urging them to go further.
Keith - Administrator
If you get the most votes you WIN it's that simple http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/election2010/results/, they could have run the government themselves, but DECIDED to form a coalition so they had a majority, they did not have to do that. You need a MAJORITY to be able to control parliament, not to WN.
Keith - Administrator
So let me get this straight: if the Lib-Dems had instead ended up doing a deal with Labour and the Welsh/Scots Nationalists, therefore keeping the Tories in opposition, the Tories would still have won because they won the most seats? Righto.And what would that 'win' have then counted for exactly? Sweet FA, I would have thought.
No, they couldn't have just gone on and 'run the government themselves' on the basis of winning the most seats. The government get the option to continue as a minority one first. Hence why Brown stayed on as PM for a couple of weeks and was under no obligation to resign until someone else could command a majority. If the Tories had won then Brown would have had to resign straight away as he couldn't command a majority anymore.
Anyway, I'm quite happy to qualify the statement as it amounts to exactly the same thing: the Tories haven't won a outright majority in an election for nearly 20 years.
Why assume 'didn't win' is automatically the same as 'didn't win the most seats'? I just said 'didn't win'. Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority'. I would think most people would take 'didn't win' this way, for the reasons already given. You can hardly ignore the fact that if you haven't got a majority, someone else can form a government.
A quick look at the Tory press on the result:
Cameron didn't win because he was scared of sounding too Tory -
Why the Tories didn't win - http://www.spectator.co.uk/coffeehou...idnt-win.thtml
So the Daily Mail and Spectator say the Tories 'didn't win'. That is good enough for me!![]()
You surmise that we surmise what you think but do not write which is incorrect.
Clearly what I meant was 'didn't win a majority - Is still incorrect to what you seem to mean as they did win a majority of the votes, or are we to surmise you mean something different? In which case you'd make an excellent MP saying things when you mean something else![]()
Keith - Administrator
Unless you've actually worked in those conditions described, best stay quiet
A sfor me, im still working 3 15 hr and 2 13 hr day weeks.
T hatis my choice.
T hedifference is, I get home to sleep in the same bed as my wife, unlike Graham's description.
D idhe have it easier compared to how you used to work and I still do? I know I wouldn't of swapped places wd him.
Its no competition Jim, we are all hard workers, working for the greater good of our families![]()
I was actually wondering if Jim was recalling the monty python four yorkshiremen "you were lucky sketch"
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
grrrrrrrrrrrr cannot get you tube video to attach.. help
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Already had a disagreement with you about the miners getting ..... on.
Worked in worse conditions.. so won't be quiet OKAY
Never said it s a competition. Just responding to what Graham said.
had to work away from home many times, including Northern Ireland.... get my drift![]()
Plenty of ex armed forces on here, wish i was back... oh no the cut backs![]()
Those were my hours too...7 days a week.
Most of my time in construction was spent as a tunneller on continental shifts, away from the family for months on end and doing hard graft.
Personally I think you're full of it.
My father was 30 years in the Royal Navy so I know all about that too.
He then taught for 15 years at the Army Apprentices college. That's the man who also taught ME the meaning of hard work. A man who served 6 years in a REAL war.
Sometimes my dad was away for up to a year at the other side of the world and my mother and us 4 kids managed. No internet or mobile phones either.
So, that's your considered response is it ?
You started the personal insults, on a forum that is normally friendly and where we just have a bit of banter.
I hope that makes you feel a big man.
I've met lots of 'legends in their own lunchtime' like you before...so not impressed my friend.
You're on ignore.
wohhhhhhhhh hang on boys this is just banter... no need for insults here.. we can all just swop ideas n sweet words and exchange our point of views....but lets not offend each other in any way plz.. politics are not healthy unless ur a thiefing robbing one of the 500 or more mps.. .. the chinese kno how to deal with them types.... death.. soo basically i think we would have no government if it were in practise here![]()
branno I don't give a flying f about politics, just some folk get my back up. ungratful t...s
my dad was a miner and ex army same as my uncle. who died in Burma.
So they wanna take the p,,,s lets meet up
yeah i kno im ex navy too... 12 yrs actually ... my father was a a cracking cricket player n footballer too... he went down the mines at 14 yrs of age too.. hes now just turned 79 had his lung removed due to cancer two yrs ago ..now the onset of dementia has crept in ... but he still wants to enjoy life best he can .. and i adore listening to him too.. hes rank labour and yeah its washed of on me too.. but we some times have heated discussions on politics and its fun... but all im saying is .is that its not worth arguing over.. as we are only pawns in this game ... but i think politicians must work harder for their livings... .. lets see a better england.. and be proud of it too..
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