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Thread: Standards of spelling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    While I dont want to come across as someone who thinks I'm better than anyone else, etc, I just had to laugh at the bad spelling found on a computer retailing website consumer reviews :

    I bourt this bored, after I had fried my Nforce2 bored with a dogy power supply. Not shore if my chip and RAM where still working I perched this bored knowing if I fried it with my RAM and chip I would not feel to bad about losing £30.

    Well my luck was with me as the computer botted.

    And now for the Mobo, well I\'m very plased with it, apart from it not quite offering the same performance as my Asus NF-7 it is only marginal, and I only know this as I benched marked it, but in every day use you don\'t notice it. Even though my every day use is playing games on it, and I don\'t notice any differnce when playing games. I play all the latest games; as well as the clasics; and it handels them brilnaly, like Hafe Life 2, Doom 3, and Flatout.

    To play these games you will need a good graphics card and I bourt a Geforce 6600. Which cost me £100 from PC world, but these cards have crashed in price and are only about £60 on ebuyer, but go for the GT version, as it\'s quicker and not much more.

    The the only things I miss is the sound is not as good as the Nforec bored\'s, but is not to bad, as I have not gone out and bourt a new sound card. As well it dose not have SATA which would be nice if I went and bourt a new Hard Drive I could use it on my next bored, but I still can perches IDE and thereis not much diferen in speed between them.

    For the price it\'s grate bored, the only improvment would be as mensioned abouve, if they could bring out a pro version, with a better sound chip and SATA.

    Oh and last it had holes around the socket which I needed to mount my cooler, which was grate!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    N Wales
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    Grate I luv it when Unglish is spilt curectly.

    I twaddle up my grammar now & again, usually due to having numerous windows open, and not concentrating. Butt as lung as peeple can reed it, fine wiff me

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