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Thread: Should i just sit and wait?

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Question Should i just sit and wait?

    Hi, everyone! It's been a month since the time i registered here. Been browsing the old and recent posts. It always gives me hope knowing some of our friends here, who have waited for months, got a positive result after making an appeal.

    Now for an update friends, I'm on my 10th week of waiting after winning an appeal. I understand that the whole process may take 4 weeks-3 months. I'm getting impatient now and being tempted to call the embassy to ask for an update. I'm a bit worried though, that this might affect the whole process and cause a further delay, if decided to have it a go. Any suggestions please as to what is the best thing to do, whether to sit and wait for the 12 weeks to pass, or to contact the embassy to know what's going on with my papers?

    My husband and I are celebrating our first wedding anniversary on the 5th of May. we are really hoping i'll get hold of the visa before that day. I'll be the happiest woman alive if that happens. I'm crossing my fingers and toes. Thank you all and hoping for a response. Take care you all!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on winning your appeal
    does the embassy have your passport ?

    hopefully you'll have your visa very soon

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotie View Post
    Hi, everyone! It's been a month since the time i registered here. Been browsing the old and recent posts. It always gives me hope knowing some of our friends here, who have waited for months, got a positive result after making an appeal.

    Now for an update friends, I'm on my 10th week of waiting after winning an appeal. I understand that the whole process may take 4 weeks-3 months. I'm getting impatient now and being tempted to call the embassy to ask for an update. I'm a bit worried though, that this might affect the whole process and cause a further delay, if decided to have it a go. Any suggestions please as to what is the best thing to do, whether to sit and wait for the 12 weeks to pass, or to contact the embassy to know what's going on with my papers?

    My husband and I are celebrating our first wedding anniversary on the 5th of May. we are really hoping i'll get hold of the visa before that day. I'll be the happiest woman alive if that happens. I'm crossing my fingers and toes. Thank you all and hoping for a response. Take care you all!
    Thanks, Joe. No i'm still waiting for the "call-in letter". :( I'm actually thinking of calling the embassy and ask for an update.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    on winning your appeal
    does the embassy have your passport ?

    hopefully you'll have your visa very soon
    Thanks, joebloggs. No I'm still waiting for the "call-in letter" :(

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