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Thread: updade on my situation and questions about spouse visa requirements

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Red face updade on my situation and questions about spouse visa requirements

    hello my friends here, heres a little update on my situation and a couple of questions i have.
    ive been workend for a document scanning company for 3 months now throught the job agency, so i have 3 months of payslips and 3 months of bank statements so far.
    my questions..
    i went overdrawn by £50 for 1 day last week by accidents after spending £300 on my car to get it through the mot, and sent my wife £100 so she can start takeing english classes, plus some other bills loan,insuranse ect, was an expencive week.
    will it be a problem when aplying for the spouse visa for my wife, that i went od just for one day?
    also i live here with my mom, she rents this house from the houseing assosiation, so my name isnt on anything.advise please
    also, ill write a sponsorship letter, is it a good idear that my mom writes a sponsorship letter also and also a sponsorship letter from her sister that lives close to me here, my wife can stay here at my moms house or at her sisters place, in the summer her sister and her husband will be buying there own house and we all will live there.

    any advise on the ieits english classes and test she will take in april, she is taking the classes in cabanutan and will take the test in the mountains or in manila. what will she have to do next if she passes the test, does she have to go to the cfo for somthing?

    last week i started saving our conversations to my computer, all was ok saveing the yahoo conversations, but for the last 2 years we have only used msn messenger, when i clic view entire history it only shows me the conversations from the last month or 2 :(, and the only way to save them to my pc is to do screenprint thing,
    i have to save our conversation strait after ive chatted to my wife by clicing file then save as. any advice please.

    if all goes well i should have about £1500 saved and will apply for her visa in june should i visit her a second time or just spply for visa, its hard to get time off work, especialy as ive only been working there a short time

    one last question, will my wife need to change her surname on her passport?

    thankyou in advance

  2. #2
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    will an immigration adviser be able to help me with my question ect, is there one near to me here and will it cost much for help and advise

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    although having one bank statement being overdrawn is probably not enough to refuse your visa, if they there are any other concerns then it could be used as one of the reasons for refusal thou probably not the main reason.

    should not be a problem with your mom sponsoring your acommondation, as long as she can get a letter off the housing assication saying its ok with them,

    does your mom have any savings? or her sister ? might be possible they will allow 3rd party financial support...

    she needs to pass the english lang test then apply for the visa then the cfo

    you must have evidence from b4 you married? and on your trip, pics, letters, receipts, etc ?

    i would save up for the visa, if you have £1,500 then its better than 0
    remeber the cost of the visa is what around £650+ and the cost of the flight might be £400-£500 so thats most of your savings gone

    good luck tony

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    will an immigration adviser be able to help me with my question ect, is there one near to me here and will it cost much for help and advise
    I'd be wary of going down that route there are a lot of cowboys out there just after your hard earned £'s. The advice is free of charge here. Good luck

  5. #5
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    although having one bank statement being overdrawn is probably not enough to refuse your visa, if they there are any other concerns then it could be used as one of the reasons for refusal thou probably not the main reason.

    should not be a problem with your mom sponsoring your acommondation, as long as she can get a letter off the housing assication saying its ok with them,

    does your mom have any savings? or her sister ? might be possible they will allow 3rd party financial support...

    she needs to pass the english lang test then apply for the visa then the cfo

    you must have evidence from b4 you married? and on your trip, pics, letters, receipts, etc ?

    i would save up for the visa, if you have £1,500 then its better than 0
    remeber the cost of the visa is what around £650+ and the cost of the flight might be £400-£500 so thats most of your savings gone

    good luck tony
    thankyou joe, i have chat conversations from the last 4 years saved, pics of us together before and after our wedding, ill scan her cards and take pics of her gifts to me, i have airline eticket recepts,
    been a change of plan now, tell me if this will be a problem? in a week or so ill go to live with her sister and husband here, is 10 mins walk from where i work so is alot better for me, especialy with petrol prices going crazy, so her sister will sponsor her accomodation, so she will need payslips? bankstatements? tenancy agreement? passport? will she need to show anything else and which documents are ok as photocopies?
    thanks again for your advice,

  6. #6
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    Just a thought, it may seem obvious to some but, if your mother and other sponsors are collecting state benefits that could well scupper your co sponsorship plans.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Just a thought, it may seem obvious to some but, if your mother and other sponsors are collecting state benefits that could well scupper your co sponsorship plans.
    yes only my mother is on disability benafits, thats one of the reasons its time to move on, i love my mom and i will visit her all the time but i think its for the best,
    my wifes sister and husband are in full time permanant work

  8. #8
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Tony
    It is good to hear from you

    Please remember if your aunts home is a housing assication one to get their permission in writing.

    When applying for my ex wife's settlement visa it took them several weeks and two reminders to give me the written permission.
    All the best,

  9. #9
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    thankyou, nice to hear from you also, hope your ok,
    im living at her sisters home now, ive changed my address at the bank and at the job agency i work for, is there anything else i need to do for the visa requirements regarding where i live, apart from the letter from the landlord.
    also my wife went to the cfo about changeing her surname, they say that she needs an interview, and needs to know how long we have been married, contact numbers ect, what else will she need just to change her surname, i think its ridiclous, just cross out her surname and put my surname, 10 seconds to do hehe, is there a fee? so many fees will the visa people take into acount that my bank is £0 because of sending all my money to my wife to pay for fees this fees that, if my wife wants to change her flipflops to blue ones will she need paperwork and pay fees, beyond redicolouse if u ask me huhu, pls advise

  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    cfo seminar 250 piso later for sticker after visa 400 piso

    She can only get a new passport to change her name and only after the seminar not needed though (unless its about to expire) for the visa app her maiden name is fine
    Absit invidia

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    cfo seminar 250 piso later for sticker after visa 400 piso

    She can only get a new passport to change her name and only after the seminar not needed though (unless its about to expire) for the visa app her maiden name is fine
    thanks keith, i though changeing her name was one of the requirements,
    she already changed her name on somthing else,
    everything is getting so thrustrating for the both of us, i feel like my money isnt talking hehe,
    only paperwork talks, and ive lost my birth cert with the solisitors letter of my surname change 34 years ago,
    im looking forward to burning all this paperwork oneday

  12. #12
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    sad news today, my boss called me into the office, the lady from the job agency was there, theres a shortfall in the work, so im out of a job again :( i only have 3 months of payslips:(
    i realy hate to give my wife bad news, its heart breaking for me, i been crying today, i realy thought that i was getting somwhere and that we can soon apply for the spuse visa, i didnt even have chance to get some savings behind me, april was going to be a good month and was going to have atleast £800 by the end of april

  13. #13
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    i havnt slept now since wednesday night, i been feeling so bad, and i had to tell my wife that ive lost my job, but before i told her, i asked her i begged her to not ask silly questions or say anything bad, i asked her to say all will be ok, and she was fine when i told her, she said all will be ok, then she had to go, she came back and said she will not go to class or take exam now my life is upsidedown and we argue, i think im about to loose her, all i wanted was some sensativity to my feels because what im going through but no such luch, at the end of the arguement she said she will come here in 10 years and laughed, so i said ill chat to u in 10 years and laughed, she said, ok if thats what u want, i know she was jokeing but when i joke back its not a joke, fairness is non existent, all this because of a visa

  14. #14
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    sorry to hear that you lost your job tony...but then its not the end of the world. we have a friend here who have the same situation as you...he married his filipina gf last year. though he has a regular job having savings in the bank is very hard to point is you're not alone...just focus with your plans and think sharp. i tell you wife can be so sarcastic at times ( i should know) if she loves you she will wait a bit longer and give you moral support if not in terms of money.

  15. #15
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    thankyou gparry, i realy do need moral suport at the moment, i do feel alone and felt like its the end or the world, even my mom has kicked me while im down, i hope my wife comes back online, i need to give her moral support and forget about my problems when im talking to her, even though i feel like a useless husband, later ill go and see my bro and sister inlaw, they always seam to give me hope.
    im deeply sorry to my wife, i just went her to be happy and be patiend,
    i hope one day we can burn this visa together

  16. #16
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Tony,
    Its not your fault you are not able to earn enogh to pay the excessife fees we have to pay to have a Filipina wife join you in the UK.

    Even after my failed marriage I wanted to meet anouther Filipina, but I know I can no way meet the cost, so it is best for me to stay single.
    I do not want to meet anouther western woman

  17. #17
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    oh mick, im sorry to hear, yes it is so expencive, and even when my wife is here it will be expencive traveling to the phils and back, for me im so luck that my wafe has family here, without family here i think i would have no chance of meeting a lady in the phils,
    uk ladies have never liked me, they never even look at me, my 3 ex girlfriends over 12 years ago all british, all cheated, most of the filipino ladies here are already married, the single ones ant intrested in me and always move to london or back to the philippines,
    from now on ill tresure my wife with all my heart, the times shes in a bad mood ill accept and understand why, and when she seams to give up and wants to stay in the phils,ill take that as a cry for help and needs me to give her moral suport and is her way of telling me to stop being a lazy bugger and get a job

  18. #18
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    hello everyone, can i ask, as you all know, ive lost my job, can we stil apply for a visa even though i have no savings and no job again, but her sister here will be her sponsor and acomadate her, she has a secure job and probly saveings

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