Hi Pete

Congrats to you both, great articles as always. My Wife recently went to the CFO and found it easy. Little bit tired tonight so will just write basic Details on Manilia CFO.

My wife stayed over night in a nearby hotel which a week later burned down!!!

She took Two large folders with all our details.

She had spoken to the Guard the evening before and he advised to get there between 6 and 7 in the morning.

So she got there nice and early and was number 2 in the queue.

THere was a large group and this worried my Wife but later discovered most were heading for the US or Japan.

Only two others were left for the Uk interview. This for my wife was fairly straight forward as she knew things like my Midddle Name and where i live and what i do etc.

Both while waiting outside and in the office many of the Ladies seemed to be unsure of basic procedure (both the CFO and Marriage) and details about their husbands and where they live etc.

Although the CFO does seem silly in some of the things it says and does to intelligent well informed women. Sadly I think for some Women these so called basic questions and checks have to be asked.

I don't think Gina will have any problems what so ever

Apart from ID for getting in to the Buliding all My Wife was asked to show was Photos of us together and our Marriage certificate. But of course Bring all the Paperwork as it could be asked for.

Like you Pete, My Wife and her Tita po were suprised about the new CFO location.

My Wifes Tita while waiting went back to the Hotel untill 12, and then waited at the SM megamall which is nearby the Manila CFO. As Ladies using the CFO can keep their Mobiles with them so at least you can text encouragment to them and they can Phone you if any problems or just need some loving words.

Glad you have achieved obtaining a Visa for your Wife. Im sure from what I have read and learned about you two that leaving the CFO to your Wife is best. I guess like me you will have a sleepless night back in the UK.