This was fascinating. The transcript (which surely must have been a mistake of theirs in releasing it) makes blood-curdling reading.
Hello Peter, yes it does make disturbing reading indeed, what I didnt tell you all is that Gina was so angry with the interview, although I tried to calm her at the hotel, telling her the following obvious points.

1. You have the visa regardless.
2. They are just doing their job.
3. There was no reason to refuse you a visa.
4. They would have had to show compelling reasons why they could not issue a visa.
5. The ECO already told you, he would grant a visa regardless of how you felt about the interview.
6. Its over, dont worry, and you will never have to go in front of those wa....kers ever again.

The point that comes out of the Interview transcript, which I will display eventually as a scanned item on my website at, (where I intend to write more pages regarding the interview and photos for future applicants). back to the main points.

The question "So really then you were just looking for a foreign husband, is that to give you a better life" or words to that effect, came up at least 3 times, rather like the ECO or ECHO as Gina calls them, this indicates they are trying to ensure that this isnt th case, to those who are in genuine love matches, this notion is highly offensive sadly as we all know, the bad filipina stories make it so much harder for the genuine situations.

Even if that were true and I would sympathise with that situation it would have been nice to have been given the benefit of the doubt.

instead of the ECO saying in his summary

"The applicant appears to be genuine, and their is a strong likelihood that she will live with the sponsor indefinately"

hmmmmm thanks mate !!!!

and "Sponsor has had a short phyiscal relationship" hmmmm how do you know pal ???

Peter as far as the ECO's name is concerned I dont have the transcript with me at the Internet cafe today, but hopefully I will be able to refer to his interview in my letter to Peter Beckingham who is the Current Ambassador.

What also makes me mad, and this will be pointed out to the Ambassador, is that in all likelihood my wife will work in the UK Economy immedeatly on arrival subject to a settling in period, she holds a current licence to practice as a Med Tech, and has a Batchelor of Science in Medical Technology, and a CV as long as your arm, so she will no doubt contribute to the economy by paying taxes, something of which escapes the ECO's summary.

And finally Peter in fact all of you.."What constitutes a better life "?

I would love to take issue with the Ambassador about that one ! and bring his nose a bit closer to the ground, better life..hmmm thats normally when I come to the Philippines isnt it ??

The Transcript makes a worrying read I agree, but I think we will be able to do little to change their in built prejudices, and I suppose PETER I am thankful just to get our visa and bring this road show to a close at least for us.

But I am looking forward to being available to help anyone else who has to go through this in the future along with everyone here at FilipinoUK.