Hi peeps!
Well, I said I'd appear as and when I could.. all of you have been waiting to see if this was destined to be as bad as last time? Well, I'm glad to announce not!
This time it is as different again and she is a totally wonderful girl!She welcomed me with open arms and after a little "stun time" where it seemed surreal to be together, we fell right into that comfortable spot so justified by seven months of building and patience. This is the real thing.. and it's great!
Again, thanks to all you guys for all your support.. the important answer has been revealed! Now for the hard slog of being together and drawing up plans to that effect..
Happy days! Keep smiling.. and I will post a picture of the two of us just as soon as I am able to.. the net is not what it is at home in the UK.. but trust me all is GOOD!!