Hi guys, thanks for the support. Much appreciated!!
A bit more info .........
We first met each other March 2009 spent 5 days together, next occasion was Feb 2010 spent 4 weeks together. Since March 2009 we have been in contact weekly via YM video chats and email (all logs and emails have been submitted) as were photos, phone bills etc.
Having re-read the refusal letter, it seems that the ECO feels that we have not met the requirements of paragraph 290 (iii) which is "each of the parties intends to live permanently with each other as his or her spouse......"
I've already submitted the provisional booking date/time letter for the wedding from the local Register Office.
I think the ECO needs to see wedding arrangements such as invites, reception bookings, cake quotes etc.
As it's going to be a small, simple affair, I don't have these, but I'll have to get them.