After completing the many requirements for the Wedding and Registration I finaly got the requirements for an EEA Family Members Visa from Portugal on the 31st of March

1 of the requirement was "a Health Certificate Authenticated by the D.F.A."

2 "A NBI clearance Authenticated by the DFA"

This is what followed to date

You have to laugh

Well the Portuguess require "authenticated" health certificate and NBI clearance by the DFA perhaps they think a health certificate might not be authentic ok so We (my honey)rings the DFA in Cebu and gets told only in Manila (a tadge more long winded than that) hmmm I ring Manila DFA and get told yes you have to send the documents for verification by DHL they have forms and charges ok

But the Health certificate needs authenticating by the Department of Health in order for us to authenticate it ...........right

The Department of Health Cebu website has the following numbers listed

RD : (032) 253-6355
ARD : (032) 418-7130
LHAD : (032) 254-0108
BFAD : (032) 418-7634
Licensing : (032) 418-7630
Admin : (032) 253-6359
HMS : (032) 253-3419

So Jhean has written them all down as theres no way of knowing which one to ring and will call them one at a time

I also had to write down the question

I need a DFA authenticated health certificate for a visa application the DFA needs your authentication befor they will authenticate and I live in Balamban what do I need to do?

Im of course now waiting to be told we will need an authorisation from the local dog catcher its almost at a hysterical level and i did say to jhean that in the years ahead we will laugh about this all if we survive

Next stage

Department of Heath use The Vincente Sotto as its affiliated so Having looked the number up on line DoH didnt have it she is off again to ask for an appointment and how much unfortunatly they seem to be "out" perhaps its a holiday

By srewed web seach we have guessed there are 9 possible numbers so i written them down and hope to talk to a duty janitor some time soon

Just love it

Well guess what talked to out patients its a walk in no appoinments given get there at 7am Sir we open at 8am a lot of people Sir the women agreed thats its crazy to have to mix sick people with routine exams but thats what the Department of Health wants go figuer oh and should be finished by noon and no idea what it costs fantastic

5 Days later

Well its worn thin to the point were I could find it a reasonable proposition to nuke the Phils and all who sail in her befor such mindles bullshit is allowed to spread well I might be prepared to limit the destruction to the Vincente Sotto Hospital the Ministary of Health a couple of Labs oh and The DFA and LBC and perhaps soon no dougbt DHL im sure they will present something deserving

We went in to Cebu on Tuesday to get Jhean and Mickeys Health Certificates (you may remember should be in at 7am all done by 12 noon) Well Jhean purposefully arose early and joined the queue of sick folk Mickey our 4 year old was done and dusted by 10.30 I guess they just looked at her with a telescope and then the fun began.

Now remember this is a general health cert the sort of thing you could get in the UK by having your blood pressure taken and a quick question and answer session but fair enough its the third world and for sure chest xray for TB and blood tests for Hep and perhaps HIV although the latter is not a requirement for a Spouse visa

The Brits only sort of require the TB test so imagine my suprise when Jhean told me she was being drug tested without any choice and being tested for around 20 other things including Venerial Disease what ever and that the results wouldnt be in till 4pm the day following to late to return to Sotto for the Health Cert and then authentication by the M.o.H and DHL to get them to Manila so although we had stayed an extra night it was looking like a third.

So decided to return home and Let Jhean return on Monday just to collect the results back for the cert etc and back in one day, good plan except we discovered Monday is a holiday,Back therefor to cebu this morning at 6.30 and get it done

Well she arrived at 8.30 and having waited 3 hours Sotto declared an early lunch Jheans text to me was the strongest ive ever read

They finaly see her at 3pm to inform her she still has the optical test and the two hour phsycological test if she had done it today she would probably be in the homacidal catagory but of course they just say come back tuesday so we are after 3 full days in the City still at least 1 full day away from sending the docs to Manila

And there is no relationship between what they are insisting on to release a certificate and any actual client led requirement and I hope they all end up in an unending queue for water in an unbeleivably warm environment

Still on the positive side my Wife will be able to begin astronaught training without delay having covered all the bases after she regenerates the blood loss.

I truely feel sorrow for OFC,s who are put through these time consuming and costly pratices and wish them all the best when they decide enough and oust all the useless tossers in there little Kingdoms of control and power to whome it would never occur to ask what was needed or the cost to ordinary people in onerous conditions

Back to Cebu Tuesday aweek after begining

Today I accompanied Jhean to "out-patients" at Sotto where we were seen within an hour or so and I soon got the Doctor and his senior on side by loudly questioning the competence and parentage of there colleages for suggesting the Missus needed a trick cyclist test although I still think they wernt really sure

They quickly directed me to the Head of department to sign her illusive health certificate who turned out to be a thoughly nice chap if a bit out of his depth later

So armed with the certificate we gleefully made our way to the D of H for ,those that have been paying attention,for the "Authentication" for the D.F.A. in Manila

My English being woefully inadequate to communicate with colledge graduates here and the Missus,s Cebuano lacking in invective as it does with her "betters" I had to explain what we wanted to six folk befor arriving at the head honcho who promptly told me no such service existed although a D o H receptionist had told me to get that I would have use Sotto hmmm

I was directed back to Sotto to meet with the Hospital directors sectretary Nana who was great in verbalising every possible outcome except one in which any thing happened I was also a little concerened that, although fresh off the press the certificates might at any moment disintigrat with her feverised running of them between her fingers apparently hoping for the required "Authorisation" to magicaly appear, I have to confess I half believed it myself.

Finaly with the certificates showing traces of combustion she relented enter our Hero head of dep out patients stage left,without hesitation he odered the imprinting of the "Sotto Dry Seal"and seemed disapointed when I pointed out that impressive as it was the DFA had certainly required the "Authenticity" to be confirmed by the D of H but as a man of action he quickly decided to lead the way back to the D of H and see what could be done

Within minuits after hasty huddles the Great Seal of the Government of the Phillipines was ushered into the room and reverrently affixed and our certificates of health were finaly in a condition to be sent to the DFA for further affixing

With great joy we wended our way to DHL in F Ramos to send our hard won spoils in there journey to First Manila and then onward to indonesia and the Portuguess

We waited for lunch to end and where first in the queue and then the 15 year old DHL guy with torn jeans said you need an affidavid from a private lawer and then a trip to capitol for something i still dont understand befor we can send them

As I earlier predicted DHL didnt want to be left out

After counting to 10 a few times I explained that we didnt as we had a seal from the very Government Department mentioned by another (DFA) but DHL obviously are final arbitors of government policy and where having none of it "How would the DFA not suspect that the seals were not forgerys without such paper"

So with slightly raised blood pressure we sort an advocate who could illuminate our plight and no dougbt lighten my purse but I was wrong the Lawer stated that he could see no point in an affidavid since he could not vouch to the authenticity of the certificates and seals and we would of course claim they were authentic regardless in addition an notarised true copy would be the same and he further failed to understand the suggested trip to Capitol compelling logic for which no charge was levied

I am now asking the President of the Republic if he would meet with me at Sotto on Monday next and attach his seal failing that does anyone know where i can borrow a DFA stamp?

Called the DFA authentications department in Manila yesterday and were told what we had was fine and DHL there carrier were wrong so armed with a name and extension number we will tomorrow go to the city and try again

Total costs of Heath Certs was minimul perhaps 1200 piso mostly lab tests

Total time 6 days in cebu in 11 days 15000 transport Hotels Food etc