can you name ten things you love about the conservatives or even the libs
can you name ten things you love about the conservatives or even the libs
I'll start the ball rolling with 3
They're not led by Bottler Brown
The door is finally being closed on mass uncontrolled immigration
They are less sleazy than Labour - as proven by the expenses criminal convictions
If fuel taxation is your concern remember that in the late 90's slimy Blair when faced by protesters demanding a reduction in tax said "We will not be swayed by public opinion".
Of course that's all forgotten now they've been turfed out and are in opposition. Can I smell hypocrisy somewhere![]()
there is no viable long term future....... told by a tory
4. They haven’t sold off our Gold reserves, unlike Gordon “I’m an economist” Brown.
He sold half of the UK's gold reserves between 1999 and 2002. Proceeds from the sales were around $3.5billion. If the gold had been sold in 2008 / Q1 2009 it would have raised $10-11 billion, and today even more.
No man is an island, but Barry is
5) They are slashing the £ Half Billion a year the socialists spent on advertising their Nanny State Culture
6. at least they were open about having to increase student fees.
In April, 1997, The Evening Standard asked Tony Blair the following question:
"Will Labour introduce tuition fees for higher education?" Blair replied:
"Labour has no plans to introduce tuition fees for higher education."
Tony B-Liar's government introduced top-up fees in 2003 for students in England.
No man is an island, but Barry is
7. They won't carry on irresponsibly and recklessly spending money we haven't got
8. it will rein back on the use of PFI schemes…..
Under the terms of the PFI deals struck by Labour, taxpayers are due to pay £245 billion by the 2047/48 financial year. However, the 544 projects involved cost only £51.5 billion to build.
“The Department of Health and the Department for Communities and Local Government were given no alternative to PFI (private finance initiative) under the previous government, regardless of value for money, the public accounts committee has found”.
Champagne socialists, with no clue about economics.
No man is an island, but Barry is
9) They are forcing Spendaholic Councils to reveal their spending details - this goes down like a lead balloon with Councils employing hordes of non jobs such as Equality Officers and Travellers Rights Compliance Managers
I'm just an innocent bystander here. Don't want to get banned.
No more bloody politics.
No more bloody religion.![]()
10. fuel prices![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Spot onRed, blue, yellow, all have the same agenda, all puppets to the ...
I look at it like when you were a kid and a bigger kid nicked your toy and put it behind his back and said guess which hand its in. Whichever one you chose he just moved it to the other. Left or right, they're always robbing you
Politics is just showbusiness for ugly people![]()
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