Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
Hi leftofcentre201,

A lot of good advice so far.

I am just a little concerned that she told you she would stay in the same hotel
That seems out of character for a Filipina from what I know, and from what my Filipina wife has told me.
My wife is from the province though and things are different there compared to the city.

Be careful.
Not my exprience at all. Filipinos in general just don't seem to regard sex as, as big a deal as we do in the west. The attitude appears very relaxed. And my g/f is from the province too. This said, I'm probably dealing with a slightly younger demographic here. Maybe older Pinays are more conservative or get more conservative as they get older. But the younger people that I've met are very laid back. This said, the lack of sex education combined with promiscuity leads to some amusing (and perhaps worrying) ideas about sex.

Perhaps it is the result of having such a young population. You also have to partly wonder if, for many, it is because there is naff all else to do entertainment wise... so.... err.. make your own!

I would say texting you all the time and worried when you're busy is usually also a very positive sign.

The 'worried what people will think' thing often seems to come down to two things: 1) People think I'm only with him for the money/chance to move abroad 2) People will think I'm a whore. The former is more common, I think.

Me and my girlfriend were at Enchanted Kingdom a couple of weeks back and she had the former openly said to her for the first time. We were in a queue for a ride and one guy was coming back out of the same queue. He saw us together and said 'jackpot' to my girlfriend. It did upset her a bit but she brushed it off quite well. She said something along the lines of 'you came into my life... i never went looking for you'. Which is true but pointless trying to explain to the numpties who are always going to think what they're going to think.