I started dating my [late] first wife back in February 1965, when SHE was 25 and ME, 20 - an age gap of five years
exactly (both of us being Virgoans) - this in an era when such a practice was considered as being very much the
OPPOSITE to the norm. But it
wasn't me being her "toy boy", so to speak, that bothered HER,

more to do with the HEIGHT difference between us - SHE stood at only 5ft tall ... in marked contrast to MY 6' 1" - a fact that rather embarrassingly "came home to roost"
initially (s'cuse pun) not long after we'd married when, in the bank one day, she happened to observe an unmistakable smirk

on the teller's face while signing her name "I.M. Little"!
Needless to say

ever afterwards, her signature became 'Iris M. Little'.