1. This is a topic that has been done to death on this forum and many other Asian-Anglo forums.
Having lived in the Philippines for several years there are quite a few different types of people who marry Filipinas. Some marry a Filipina because they met abroad, others purposely seek out a Filipina online and some are the sexpats that head out to use and abuse a Filipina.
The latter should not be confused with the many good people. I've met so many people with successful relationships, and admittedly some of the relationships are almost born out of convenience, but both parties respect that.
The argument on the last page about older men and having children, well first of all the Philippines population could do with something to prevent the population growth (visit Tondo in Manila, I see the result, I have!).
On the other hand, if an older man does want children, what’s to say he's not a better father? When I see how much patience and attention my parents have with my children and how they've mellowed out in their 60's, I do think that older people can possibly be better.

I'm 26, and have married a Filipina. I get treated very differently in the Philippines admittedly. But since I work, I don't have the time and the finances to give my children everything that some of these older people do, but I do my best.

Really, what it comes down to, if the woman is over 18 years old, and both parties know what they are getting into, then go for it.
Unfortunately, in my view, far too many older guys go into the marriages with their eyes closed (probably not the people who read this forum, more likely people who do no research at all). You are an easy target to be scammed, and taking a Filipina to your homeland isn't the be all and end all. Understand the culture, and understand what kind of relationship you’re getting into, and use caution until you know your partner inside out.