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Thread: Opinion for massive age gap?

  1. #181
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    hehehehehe no offence meant to any of our more well developed associates.. honest.... now get down to the gym or your lovely filipina will find a better model hehehehehehe... only kidding honest
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  2. #182
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    lol Not quie sorted out the gym membership yet, but I've made a start by moving next door to one last month!

  3. #183
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    well perhaps the vibe from next door will rub off on you lol
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  4. #184
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    That is the plan!

  5. #185
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    Theres not much in the way of gyms in the deep south. I visited one recently in Castletown and got chased out as it is females only!!

    There's a good one in the Mount Murray Hotel but it is a bit of a trek from Castletown.

    I was cycling to work along the coast road from Port St Mary to Casltleown. Nice journey, but I have moved to Castletown recently....

  6. #186
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    get your bike out Dave hehehehehe
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    get your bike out Dave hehehehehe
    Heh, its great, cycling along the coast road. Very little traffic. Only the occasional motorbike roaring past at 100mph......

  8. #188
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    1. This is a topic that has been done to death on this forum and many other Asian-Anglo forums.
    Having lived in the Philippines for several years there are quite a few different types of people who marry Filipinas. Some marry a Filipina because they met abroad, others purposely seek out a Filipina online and some are the sexpats that head out to use and abuse a Filipina.
    The latter should not be confused with the many good people. I've met so many people with successful relationships, and admittedly some of the relationships are almost born out of convenience, but both parties respect that.
    The argument on the last page about older men and having children, well first of all the Philippines population could do with something to prevent the population growth (visit Tondo in Manila, I see the result, I have!).
    On the other hand, if an older man does want children, what’s to say he's not a better father? When I see how much patience and attention my parents have with my children and how they've mellowed out in their 60's, I do think that older people can possibly be better.

    I'm 26, and have married a Filipina. I get treated very differently in the Philippines admittedly. But since I work, I don't have the time and the finances to give my children everything that some of these older people do, but I do my best.

    Really, what it comes down to, if the woman is over 18 years old, and both parties know what they are getting into, then go for it.
    Unfortunately, in my view, far too many older guys go into the marriages with their eyes closed (probably not the people who read this forum, more likely people who do no research at all). You are an easy target to be scammed, and taking a Filipina to your homeland isn't the be all and end all. Understand the culture, and understand what kind of relationship you’re getting into, and use caution until you know your partner inside out.

  9. #189
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    I am relatively new to the forum. So it is good to hear various person's perspective on this "delicate" topic.

    Its an old one but a good one. (Like me )


  10. #190
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    Ricky, wish I'd been so wise at your tender age.

    Admittedly I was only 38, and a bachelor when I met my future wife, but with a mental age about the same as her 22 .

  11. #191
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Myrna was four months short of turning 49 when we met. Both of us had been married before - and widowed. I celebrated my 64th birthday in the Phils - being serenaded at 4 o'clock in the morning by a group of Gospel singers called 'The Afterglow Sound' ... whose leader happened to be an old friend and teaching colleague of Myrna's.

    , I know ... but this chap was also Head of the Science Faculty at the High School where he and Myrna had taught for a similar length of time (in fact they'd started out together on the same day!). And it was he who'd designed a series of large tarpaulin banners bearing a superimposed picture of me cradling my grandchild - and emblazoned with the words "Welcome Arthur Little" to greet me on my arrival at Davao International Airport, a couple of weeks earlier.

    Needless to say, two of these [virtually indestructible] banners have pride of place on the walls of our spare bedroom ... and remain among my most~prized possessions. Recently, my wife took a head & shoulders photo of me clad in a blue tee-shirt & baseball cap when updating my Facebook avatar - as those of you who are members of FB may already have noticed - which featured one of the banners mentioned.

  12. #192
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Myrna was four months short of turning 49 when we met. Both of us had been married before - and widowed. I celebrated my 64th birthday in the Phils - being serenaded at 4 o'clock in the morning by a group of Gospel singers called 'The Afterglow Sound' ... whose leader happened to be an old friend and teaching colleague of Myrna's.

    , I know ... but this chap was also Head of the Science Faculty at the High School where he and Myrna had taught for a similar length of time (in fact they'd started out together on the same day!). And it was he who'd designed a series of large tarpaulin banners bearing a superimposed picture of me cradling my grandchild - and emblazoned with the words "Welcome Arthur Little" to greet me on my arrival at Davao International Airport, a couple of weeks earlier.

    Needless to say, two of these [virtually indestructible] banners have pride of place on the walls of our spare bedroom ... and remain among my most~prized possessions. Recently, my wife took a head & shoulders photo of me clad in a blue tee-shirt & baseball cap when updating my Facebook avatar - as those of you who are members of FB may already have noticed - which featured one of the banners mentioned.

  13. #193
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    What a great story, and a marvellous experience for you Arthur.

  14. #194
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    What a great story, and a marvellous experience for you Arthur.
    Thanks, Graham ... for an ordinary like me - to be feted as if I were some visiting dignitary or VIP - it was the experience of a lifetime; truly UNFORGETTABLE!

  15. #195
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    Damn I just turned 60 at midnight.

    Can't believe it.

  16. #196
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Damn I just turned 60 at midnight.

    Can't believe it.
    Did you really? Well, you certainly don't look 60, Graham ...

  17. #197
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    damn i just turned 60 at midnight.

    Can't believe it.

    happy happy birthday graham!!!!

  18. #198
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    Thanks everyone.

    Actually it's made me really depressed.

    I have my son, and I should remember that.

  19. #199
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    1. This is a topic that has been done to death on this forum and many other Asian-Anglo forums.
    Having lived in the Philippines for several years there are quite a few different types of people who marry Filipinas. Some marry a Filipina because they met abroad, others purposely seek out a Filipina online and some are the sexpats that head out to use and abuse a Filipina.
    The latter should not be confused with the many good people. I've met so many people with successful relationships, and admittedly some of the relationships are almost born out of convenience, but both parties respect that.
    The argument on the last page about older men and having children, well first of all the Philippines population could do with something to prevent the population growth (visit Tondo in Manila, I see the result, I have!).
    On the other hand, if an older man does want children, what’s to say he's not a better father? When I see how much patience and attention my parents have with my children and how they've mellowed out in their 60's, I do think that older people can possibly be better.

    I'm 26, and have married a Filipina. I get treated very differently in the Philippines admittedly. But since I work, I don't have the time and the finances to give my children everything that some of these older people do, but I do my best.

    Really, what it comes down to, if the woman is over 18 years old, and both parties know what they are getting into, then go for it.
    Unfortunately, in my view, far too many older guys go into the marriages with their eyes closed (probably not the people who read this forum, more likely people who do no research at all). You are an easy target to be scammed, and taking a Filipina to your homeland isn't the be all and end all. Understand the culture, and understand what kind of relationship you’re getting into, and use caution until you know your partner inside out.
    well said ricky!

  20. #200
    Respected Member toging's Avatar
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    ive seen this post a long while ago and read everyones opinion about MASSIVE AGE GAP...and i cant add any reactions anymore,me and my fiancee have a 29 yrs gap and as keithangel said i can still keep up with our 1st yr.his kids (which is much older than me) questioned our relationship but when time passes by they seen my sincerity towards to their dad.....they eventually accept me.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by toging View Post and my fiancee have a 29 yrs gap ....
    Yes and the same for me and my wife. Similar age gap. As I posted some time back I lost an old friend because of the age gap.

    What amazes me is that both get on so well together. It isnt like some people say " what do they have in common?" It isnt like that at all. We love being together.

  22. #202
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    Rarely admit this, but when I was 21 I had a 3 month romance with a 47 year old Canadian Nurse onboard a cruise ship I was working. My wife, Marvie, is 9 years older then me, and we have no problems at all.
    Age isn't a problem, as long as your going in with your eyes open and willing to adapt to each others culture and differences.

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Rarely admit this, but when I was 21 I had a 3 month romance with a 47 year old Canadian Nurse onboard a cruise ship I was working. My wife, Marvie, is 9 years older then me, and we have no problems at all.
    Age isn't a problem, as long as your going in with your eyes open and willing to adapt to each others culture and differences.
    So you have seen the flip side of it then.......nice one.

  24. #204
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    My kids wouldn't have a problem with me marrying someone much younger than me....simply in keeping with my normal lunatic behaviour.

  25. #205
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all cant help who we find and fall in love with, myself and Emma there is 17 years in age but in minds there is none, she makes me feel her age

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post

    , I know ... "Welcome Arthur Little"... to greet me on my arrival at Davao International Airport ...
    What a great story, whether off topic or not Arthur . One for Ded's suggested section of " Things you couldn't make up " ... but good news of course

  27. #207
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    What a great story, whether off topic or not Arthur . One for Ded's suggested section of " Things you couldn't make up " ... but good news of course
    Thanks, Alan ... no one was more surprised than I ! Having not slept properly for about 3 days, I remember thinking I was hallucinating ... or maybe HAD fallen asleep after all - and dreamt the whole thing. But no ... it actually happened ... it was REAL ... and the evidence is there whenever I need reminding.

  28. #208
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    it doesnt matter what other people think, it is about you and your partner

    some people are the same age and dont get on, where some have an age gap and do get on

    dont worry about it

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