I won't be able to attend, but if anybody's going please send my regards to Cammoron![]()
I won't be able to attend, but if anybody's going please send my regards to Cammoron![]()
Only to thank this goverment for showing some common sense after the last bunch of jokers got kicked out![]()
What "common sense" would that be![]()
spending money we don't have,no control on immigration,Oh yes ensured regime change in iraq
Can't see this goverment doing any worse than that lot.
Anyway not getting sucked into this one either,been there done it.![]()
Are the coalition in Somalia?
That's quite a leap you made there. Difficult to understand or reason with anybody who advocates war
Good to see the unions standing up for what the majority think
That was the part where you were supposed to say, "I don't advocate war!"![]()
No Joe I was really commenting on the stop the war item not the cuts,cuts which may have to be made due to the mess that last shower left us with.
also I don't agree to all the cuts but whilst taking nurses to work a lot of them say cuts are needed but adminerstrative staff which I do agree with.
we need more staff working for ukba, not less, every job an illegal immigrant takes , thats one less job for a brit ( or european)
admin staff, les, if your place had to cut 20% of the work force, would it be possible to cut this 20% from just the admin staff at your place of work ??? probably not, so taxi drivers would have to go
this is the same for most companies, its not possible to cut 20% of the whole work force from just admin
I kid you not today our office manager was made redundant,re-organisation of the staff and office has been put in place.
Sad for him and his family but this has happened through the ages -doesen't mean it's right but thats life.
for example where i work les, i would say there are less than 5 in admin, 5 in sales, 20 in engineering and in the warehouse. so a 20% cut of 30 is 6 people, say all coming from admin leaves -1 in admin,
i know this is not the nhs etc, but still many of the job cuts talked about is not just possible from admin
Joe I'm not disputing what you say and of course you can't cut all your admin it's not practable,but as the nurse pointed out a lot of the admin staff are on higher wages by far so a reduction in admin staff has a greater overall cost saving to the nhs.
I don't want to see anyone out of work it's a devastating thing but it's happened over the years and always will we just have to cope with it.
Maybe the way my taxi firm works is a good model i will explain.
We are the largest and longest established taxi firm in Harrogate approx 90 years old.We really do pull out all the stops and (scuse the pun) go the extra mile.
We carry shopping in,look after people especially disabled and vulnerable children.
Get off our backsides open doors for people etc etc
We are a shareholder company which basically means 84 of us own the company,vechiles,property etc and we all have a say how the company is run.
Since we are self employed we have no boss to fire us, our jobs are toatally secure and as long as you don't upset everyone else you are a permanent fixture.
We work hard,look after people and as a company are actually increasing our market share so far this year-it's agreat business model.
we were first company in Harrogate to take nvq's in taxi'ing plus all double crb checked etc.
What I'm trying to say is you might say lucky you it's alright for some but I engineered this way of life for myself,had to work really hard to buy the share to get in,car etc.
I wanted to have security and remove the threat of ever being made redundant which i have.
i just believe that people should look at alternatives if possible and always try to be self employed so no-one can take your job off you.
more people helping themsleves like Les did and less reliance on benefits.. thats was this country needs.. well done Les. stick at it... if work ever takes me to Harrogate I will certainly give you my business
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Cheers Scott![]()
I too had many years self-employed (at least 20).
Don't do some work = no money.
The least that should be done is jobs offered to Brits first.
Unemployed should be given work of some sort to do, even if it's picking up litter.
Taxation introduced on each child produced and child benefit withdrawn.
Minimum wage raised (mainly for jobs in agriculture, etc which attract cheap foreign labour).
Yes, prices of food and transport will go up (to realistic levels), but perhaps if people were less wasteful of resources...including food, and actually did some work in their offices instead of playing around on the internet or chatting half the day, then everyone in society would benefit.
Be more self-reliant as a nation.
If we could do it during WW2 then we can do it now...and get rid of most of the country's debts and economic migrants.
Oh, I forgot:
Give the prisoners some proper hard graft to do while they're living at taxpayers' expense.
AND the work shy WILL be given work !
Hope that helps with your reservations.![]()
I wish we had more decent taxi business's like that round here - the council saw fit to issue licences years ago to a Mafia of benefit fraudsters most of whom struggle to string a sentence together in understandable English. Funny thing is for a long while the licences were restricted both in numbers and to operating in 2 geographical areas of the borough. I've always thought it a cartel/closed shop - the council have now finally relaxed the rules and of course competition scares the living daylights out of the existing clique
All councils should demand 10 years checkable work history (like 'proper' security companies), and obviously full enhanced CRB check certificate (which I have), plus English language and local knowledge test.
Big picture ID posted in prominent place in the car.
- Both for Hackneys and 'Minicabs'.
Hopefully this would weed out most of the dubious characters/illegals.
You only have to consider recent murder and rape cases to appreciate the importance of this. Passengers are putting their lives in the drivers hands after all
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