Joe I'm not disputing what you say and of course you can't cut all your admin it's not practable,but as the nurse pointed out a lot of the admin staff are on higher wages by far so a reduction in admin staff has a greater overall cost saving to the nhs.
I don't want to see anyone out of work it's a devastating thing but it's happened over the years and always will we just have to cope with it.
Maybe the way my taxi firm works is a good model i will explain.
We are the largest and longest established taxi firm in Harrogate approx 90 years old.We really do pull out all the stops and (scuse the pun) go the extra mile.
We carry shopping in,look after people especially disabled and vulnerable children.
Get off our backsides open doors for people etc etc
We are a shareholder company which basically means 84 of us own the company,vechiles,property etc and we all have a say how the company is run.
Since we are self employed we have no boss to fire us, our jobs are toatally secure and as long as you don't upset everyone else you are a permanent fixture.
We work hard,look after people and as a company are actually increasing our market share so far this year-it's agreat business model.
we were first company in Harrogate to take nvq's in taxi'ing plus all double crb checked etc.
What I'm trying to say is you might say lucky you it's alright for some but I engineered this way of life for myself,had to work really hard to buy the share to get in,car etc.
I wanted to have security and remove the threat of ever being made redundant which i have.
i just believe that people should look at alternatives if possible and always try to be self employed so no-one can take your job off you.