I'm pleased to say it's very srtict in Harrogate.
you need all the above.
As mentioned befeore we have a number of asian taxi drivers who live in Bradford and come through to work in Harrogate.
They often want to use thier sat nav when having their drive around town with the Hackney inspector but they are told to turn them off

Also when I was taking my nvq the guy training us said he was having a hell of a job in leeds and bradford as they many of them simply coould not understand English!
So a 20 min training session was taking 2 hours and i think many failed or gave up.

I am extreemly lucky to work in harrogate lots of posh rich people
The trouble is in leeds anyone cud stick a sign on side of car"Dedworth's privare hire"and you coild be sure some drunk kids would jump in-very hard to control in the cities.
If i see a suspicious cab in harrogate i will check out the details but it would be a very rare thing to happen-never seen it yet.