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Thread: wifes visa just refused

  1. #1
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    wifes visa just refused

    can anyone give me any help on how best 2 appeal or what lawyers to use refused it saying iam not showing a regular salary even when i gave them my yearly accounts of 27,000 after tax or savings in bank last few statements had 2000 and the 3000 but some had only 400 never been so heart brokin in all life had 2 take day of work cant concentrate

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    which visa?

    and some more info will help, did you summit 6 months bank statements
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    settlement visa yes 6 months all showing regular payments of check going into my account iam selfemployed i showed proof of sending over 4000 pounds 2 my wife in the year 2010 to live on as we have a son i was there 3 times in 2010 so thats y sometimes my account doesnt show as much as it should just dont know wht to do now

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan/maleiya View Post
    can anyone give me any help on how best 2 appeal or what lawyers to use refused it saying iam not showing a regular salary even when i gave them my yearly accounts of 27,000 after tax or savings in bank last few statements had 2000 and the 3000 but some had only 400 never been so heart brokin in all life had 2 take day of work cant concentrate
    I don't make recommendations if I've never personally used.

    Based on what I've heard why not contact:-

    MediVisas UK LLP
    Level 3 OISC Immigration Specialists

    Tel: +44 (0) 207 953 3090
    Fax: +44 (0) 207 953 3091

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    did they state why they gave the refusal?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #6
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    they stated that as some bank statements only show 400 pounds that would not be enough for 2 flights to the uk ... and that my wife has no income .... iam my wifes income i provide for them .. once there here that money will be in my account i payed for 3 visits there last year i just dont know wht to do

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    relax and calm down

    first of all dont tell your wife theres no need to let her worry too!

    you just need to prove to them on appeal that you can manage and you have the money to look after them, you say your self employed and have some saving, where do you live ie in rented or with a mortage?
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    my wife knows she gt the letter i rent a room from sister and there is another one for once my wife and son join me saving are only 4000 pounds which i dont keep in the bank as ive never trusted it there since some one got my bank details

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    first of all, make sure your wife knows everything will be ok

    will you be lodging at your sisters house when your wife is here?, get that money or any money you have in your bank account, if you had that 4000 in your bank statements you may of got the visa and explain everything in the appeal letter
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan/maleiya View Post
    saving are only 4000 pounds *which i dont keep in the bank as ive never trusted it there since some one got my bank details
    I AM really sorry to read about the refusal of your wife's visa; seems to me, the outcome would've been completely different had you been able to present PROOF of your SAVINGS in the form of BANK STATEMENTS.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    2 recent refusals

    terpe, victoria has a good reputation

    did you do a budget of your incomings and out goings each month ? you need at least £100+ after rent and council tax.

    how much in savings did you have, only £400 showing on a bank statement? but 4k at home under your bed.. and self employed...

    same advice as new shoes, get more evidence and ask for reconsideration..

    any family with money who could help sponsor her ?

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    I cant say much on these just wish you luck alan and maleiya that things be sorted soon.

    You are in our prayers

  13. #13
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    would a family member be ok 2 sponser my wife would that mean a new application altogether

  14. #14
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    bombard the embassy with an appeal letter explaining your finances ,gather more evidence to supplement your wifes visa ,if you can get a co sponsor then do it,let them write a letter of support, no need to lodge a new application thats a waste of money...goodluck!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  15. #15
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    it is really so stressfull sorting all this out.. in the phils its quite simple although needed... the bloody uk demand money n proof but if ur european u can just walk in any door back or front ... wots it all about ehh..

  16. #16
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    my brother and his wife said they will co- sponser and will write a letter and give bankstatements will they except this in the appeal for my wifes refusal ...... i really thought they would take in to account that once my wifes here that would be the 4000 i send her over the year that i would have to help provide for them here plus i would nt have the flights to pay for anymore i would have that money extra aswell to help with family life here ivenever had any goverment help before iam not going 2 start now i just cant get over them saying no last bank statement shows over 2000 after i had payed my bills for that month yet they get from some where that £400 wont get my wife here it lost me

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    bit of planning b4 u applied would have helped you a lot, by getting your brother to lend you what ever he could and leave it in your current account or/and use a credit card to transfer money to your current account until you had at least 3 bank statements, much better with 6 thou and applied for your visa, once you got the visa pay it all back..

    possible they will accept 3rd party support ( there was a court ruling allowing 3rd party support, but not sure if its ukba policy yet) but you've got nothing to lose. a letter of support stating that they will offer financial support so your wife would not 'need recourse to public funds' could well help and also bank statements showing they have the finances..

    also a budget as I've said b4, and one for when your wife is here, i take it you send her money each month, which you'll not need to do if she is here..

    did you explain in your letter of support about your trips and spendings ?

    getting it all together ASAP, and read 'new shoes' thread, scan everything and email it to your wife or to the embassy asking for reconsideration, and give them a wk or so and see what they say, you might have to goto an appeal, but it could be wiser to sort your finances out and apply and pay again

    embassy want to see constant supply of money going in your account or and you have savings, being self employed can make it more difficult, did you send anything from your accountant about your earnings ??

    If the sponsor (co-sponsor) is self-employed, owns his own company, or if the sponsor (co-sponsor) does not work, then the employment contract and P60 can be substituted with certified copies of the previous two years' tax returns accompanied by a notarized version of his business accounts.

    If there are disproportionate deposits and withdrawals in the bank statements, they should be explained in the sponsor's letter.

  18. #18
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear about your wife's unsuccessful visa application Alan. It seems so unjust to keep a family apart in this way. Please don't give up hope, where there is a will there is a way and I am sure that you will find it. Very best of luck with the appeal

  19. #19
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    Everything needs to be laid out and explained clearly and concisely so that the simpletons who decide on your future can tick the necessary (but few) boxes.

    1. Regular and sufficient income in the UK, and proof of, as already explained.

    (They are not interested in what you spend your money on outside the your wife and child).

    2. 'Suitable' accommodation for your family.
    Description of the property, plus if rented, a proper rent book/rental agreement.

    3. 'Sufficient' funds.

    If this means selling your car, borrowing money etc, then that's what will have to be done.

    Appeal by all means, but start putting the main requirements in place and on record NOW, and then if you end up having to re-submit after a few months, your bank statements etc should show what the ECO wants to read.

  20. #20
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    You might as well appeal its free? i think. I think if your going to include your Brother and wife as co-sponsor a sworn affidavit by them would make it sound stronger.

    I would also break down your disposable income you have available to you including the money you send to your wife and the money spent on trips, as this is available to you if she was here. If your self employed do you use an accountant? If so you could maybe seek some help there also?
    good luck!

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