I remember the trip before last, arrived there 9am (klm flight) and after @ 4 hours sleep Belle arrives. Quick shower and insists we go to Robinsons for her favourite Sushi. Get there, place has closed down , so were stood in the middle of Robinsons (me completely knackered adter 18 hours travelling) and I suggest pizza or the food court . Her response "are you mad, i've been dreaming of sushi for a week na, get me Sushi !!!!". So we end up getting a taxi to Mall of Asia and she gets her Sushi.
Then because she is there, she decides were going to the cinema in Mall to see Expendables , and of course its large popcorn time and large soda.
After this , its back to the hotel and she's so hungry we have to go to the restaurant for a light meal of rice, fish, rice and rice !
As it's now 9pm we finally retire to the room for 15 mins of exercise

followed by what I hope will be a nice long sleep. But at 3am she wakes me to say she's starving , lets go Jollibee , after a short conversation of its 3am they will be shut followed by no they wont we end up in Jollibee at 4am and the place is not only open but crowded. Thankfully, 2 pieces of spicy chicken later with extra free rice we retire for a peaceful sleep .
Just to let you know, my baby weighs 40kg and I weight 100kg .............dont ask me how cos i just dont know hahaha