Shipped back to Britain: Australians say career thug is a risk to the public - so they've sent him home to the UK... as a free man

A career criminal who tried to murder a police officer in Australia was yesterday returned to Britain as a free man.

The taxpayer now faces spending tens of thousands providing housing and benefits to Clifford Tucker even though he has spent most of his life in Australia.

Officials there ruled that Tucker, who has committed a string of crimes over almost 30 years, posed an ‘unacceptable risk to the public’.

Tucker, 47, moved from Britain to Australia with his parents aged six, and has lived in Adelaide for 41 years.

But because he never obtained an Australian passport his visa was revoked over his criminal conduct after he returned home from a holiday to Bali. He committed his first crime aged only 11 and has served more than a decade in jail.

MPs said that, had Britain tried to deport an Australian guilty of similar offences, the Government would have been defeated by human rights law.

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Brilliant - he even had to pay his own airfare and that of his escorts.

as the Mail goes on to say

Consider, however, what would have happened if Tucker – a career criminal jailed for 12 years for shooting and seriously wounding a police officer – had been a foreigner committing crimes in Britain.

There is precisely zero chance that our courts – or the interfering judges in Strasbourg – would have agreed to his removal in the interests of protecting the British public.

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