Last thing I want to do is trivialise dengue or malaria, but a bit of common sense and understanding of the mossies will go a long way.

Generally, dengue is a different mossie, is active during the day, and at low levels (walking around by the pool = maybe putting yourself at risk. Also sitting at the bar?

It's not what people want to do, but wearing long pants, socks (grief) may help, as it's the lower areas most at risk of being nibbled.

Malarial ones, well they are more active at night, especially in the rainy season, and it frankly doesn't matter if you're high or low.

Fans are said to confuse them.

Oh and allegedly, the lemon body butter from body shop helps repel mossies - smells absolutely brilliant too. I used it a lot and can't tell if my bites were before or after smearing the stuff on at night, so..........well.

What I did notice in Thailand, was that they left me alone after eating the local food for a few days. Maybe it's the lemongrass