Ultraviolet rays damage skin. UVA causes ageing, UVB burns and can cause cancer. People with fair skins are most susceptible to sunlight or sunbeds.
The SPF ( sun protection factor ) refers to UVB protection, and star rating to UVA protection.
New recommendations for sunscreens are to apply factor 30 and up to 5* rating. They should be applied evenly and generously to all exposed areas 15 minutes before sun exposure, and every 2 hours as necessaryDon't use sunscreen to prolong time spent in the sun
. Wear protective clothing
Of course being out in the sunshine makes us feel good, and allows the skin to make vitamin D which helps maintain strong bones.
Skin cancer is far commoner in fair - skinned people. Malignant melanoma is the least common but the most serious, and has increased in the UK by 5 times in men and 3 times in women over the past 30 years. Over a quarter are under 50 years of age. Sunbeds are now banned for under 18's in the UK for this reason.
In the Philippines it is far less common ( less than 1/100,000 compared to 16/100,000 in the UK). When fair skinned individuals visit the tropics, factor 50+, 5* sunscreen should be used.
Ano ang kahulugan ng mga nunal sa iyong katawan ? / What's the significance of pigmented moles on your body ?
Have a look, or get your partner to look :
* new moles ( especially back for men, legs for women)
* change in mole already present ( size, shape, colour, ulceration, bleeding ). It could be fun, and might save your life
5 year survival for melanoma is now 80% for men and 90% for women, and much better if it's diagnosed and removed at an early stageOther skin cancers ( basal cell carcinoma / rodent ulcer, and squamous carcinoma ) have a very good chance of cure after early removal