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Thread: Save your videos from Google Video

  1. #1
    Respected Member Win2Win's Avatar
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    Post Save your videos from Google Video

    Remember Google Video? Yes, Google’s video search engine that briefly attempted to become king of online video hosting until YouTube came along. Google couldn’t compete so they did the next best thing, bought YouTube back in 2006 and tried to make the two services co-exist. Which apparently led to nothing but a redundancy for Google. [...]

    Remember Google Video? Yes, Google’s video search engine that briefly attempted to become king of online video hosting until YouTube came along. Google couldn’t compete so they did the next best thing, bought YouTube back in 2006 and tried to make the two services co-exist. Which apparently led to nothing but a redundancy for Google.

    Two years ago, Google stopped taking uploads to Google Video. Now they’ve just announced that later this April videos uploaded to the service will no longer be available for playback. Google Video is reverting back to a video search engine, as if YouTube is not the first place people go to whenever they search for online videos.

    A little screencast I recorded circa 2007

    However, Google Video users have until May 13, 2011 to download their uploaded videos on the service for backup/archiving purposes or for its transfer to YouTube or other video hosting services. After that, all videos on the service would be deleted.

    As it turns out, I have two videos on Google Video that I uploaded three years ago. The first was a screencast tutorial on How to Share Your Google Calendar. It was actually an exercise of my screencasting skills. The other video is a talk by Jun Lozada, the primary witness on the NBN-ZTE corruption controversy, which was recorded using my Sony Ericsson K800i phone.

    So for old times’ sake and to keep my brief foray in to video creation I’ve decided to download the two videos which Google gave me in the FLV format. It’s now a matter of deciding whether to upload them to YouTube or Vimeo.

    Do you also have videos on Google Video? Would you save it before gets deleted?

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  2. #2
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    Mine are on youtube, but of course I have them backed up in several other (offline) places.

    Useful info' though.

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Yeah I think many of us have Memories stored all over the place now. Like you say dont leave them in one place otherwise you might have a nasty shoock one day
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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